Drawing myself with a dunce cap this week because the STEEM block gods finally managed to crash my steemd client causing my witness node to miss 4 blocks! Backup servers were in place but were functioning as seed-nodes... So more servers are being put in place over the next week to make sure that never happens again. It's been an exciting week for me as a STEEM witness! Not only have I managed to stay on the top 50 list (hovering #41 at the moment) but I also announced the start of the streemit.online project! This will be BIG.
(A recent screencap of the streem setting page with some VIP perks enabled)

The streemit.online project is what I will be pushing forwards as my witness bringing to the STEEM network. If you're capable and not already working on a project utilizing STEEM I highly recommend start thinking on it.. This is just the start of the network and their are PLENTY of highly in demand services we've yet to see built and brought to market so far. Heck, even if you aren't currently capable the very fact you're reading this on the internet lets me know you've access to the tools and info you need. Only thing stopping you is you. :)
Development of Streemit Pushes Forward!
The goal was to have the site up and running before the end of the weekend and I'll try my damnedest to stick to this target but the further I start developing the site the more apparent it becomes that I may have been slightly (or incredibly) optimistic in that projection. Originally I'd just intended to host video streaming but after listening to community feedback I've decided to also try and implement video and picture uploading, recording and sharing on the site.
Things that start out easy never end up that way... But in this case it's far better to not rush the official launch until proper time has been taken to implement and fully test the site and it's many moving parts. When you're dealing with video streaming and crypto currency deposits and withdrawals there is no room for error!
That being said if anyone is willing to lend a hand in helping me develop the site for the community it'd be greatly appreciated. A working background and displayed skills in Javascript, HTML5, PHP, MySQL, Flash is an asset of course!

Vote @klye for Witness!
Every vote matters!

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!
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Thanks to All of Those Who Have Donated Towards Streemit.Online Development!

Any user donating over $5 SBD (or 5 SBD worth of STEEM) towards development of the site will get the corresponding amount of monthly VIP subscription credited to their account once they go to http://streemit.online and create an account of the same name on streemit and validate the account with me here on STEEM.
Donator | Amount | VIP (date given) |
@nextgencrypto | 200 STEEM | Not yet |
@funnyman | 13.435 STEEM | Not yet |
@modprobe | $100 SBD | Not yet |
@etcmike | $25 SBD | Not yet |
@hilarski | $25 SBD | Not yet |
@thecryptofiend | $20 SBD | Not yet |
@exploretraveler | $10 SBD | VIP (Oct 15,2016) |
@natureofbeing | $10 SBD | Not Yet |
Total: | $190 SBD / 213.435 STEEM
So far we have added a photo, and a video. Progress is being made weekly so we encourage everyone to get in a start setting up your account. For a Alpha platform it's running good, and will only improve. We will also vote for @Klye for witness today since he works hard to help bring this platform to the world.
Three witness votes today from @exploretraveler @vetvso @johngentry Good Luck!
Excellent work and keep it up.
I'll try to remember to donate once I'm off the mobile.
P.S. I like the hat.
Thanks man. :)
Working on the deposits / withdrawal systems as well as the streeming client at the moment.
As it sits with the donations we've collected enough to run the servers and software in rental mode for 3 months or so. Hopefully once I get the site done people flock to use it and consider getting VIP subscriptions which unlocks all the bells and whistles. :)
Keep on improving steemit with your efforts @klye
Thank you for the kind words funnyman. :)
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