An interview with @demotruk via meet a whale episode 19

Hello Steemians, it's another episode of my interview in which I get to ask some technical Steem questions and also bring you closer to your witnesses. For this episode's interview, I have the pleasure of bringing to you @demotruk, A steemian who has a great passion for the Steem blockchain, a steemian who works tirelessly at the witness level, by supporting the promo-steem tag, as well as a reputable witness. This episode promises to be educating, and interesting . Be sure to sit tight and grab a cup of coffee while reading through this great interview.



@jamesmovic - Who introduced you to steemit and what was your motive for joining?

@demotruk - I saw a tweet by Erik Voorhees about Steem becoming no. 3 in market cap back in July 2016

@jamesmovic - How many times do you think its appropriate for a newbie to post per day?

@demotruk - 100 times if they want. It's entirely up to them; but they can also follow the preference of their followers.

@jamesnovic - What communities are you supporting or working on, and how?

@demotruk - I mostly support the promo-steem tag, all the people doing promotional work mostly in South-East Asia and various African countries.

@jamesnovic - Can you tell us why you decided to become a witness?

@Steem is a political system, I want to be involved and have my input in the political process, even as a minor backup witness.

@jamesnovic - Can you tell us how your feel about it (witnessing) now?

@demotruk - It's a responsibility. You're kind of just running a server (or multiple), but also a representative for the people who vote for you. For the most part, the major responsibility is to simply not undermine the system since it's a position with some power to do so. I know I can trust myself with that, and I hope that those who know me would also trust me with that.

@jamesmovic - What exactly does "voting for a witness" means to you,and do you think it is necessary for all steemians to vote?

@demotruk - It means that you deem someone to be technically competent and trustworthy enough with the power to produce blocks. That is a limited power, but enough witnesses together could undermine the system if they colluded. You're trusting that they are correctly motivated not to do this. I think that everyone should consider voting. It will be more and more important for smaller stakeholders as the Steem gets more distributed over the years.

@jamesnovic - What are your thoughts on the possibiltiy of there being a new "Steem 2"?

@demotruk - More power to anyone who does this. One of the biggest dangers is for us to be complacent, to rest on our laurels. Competition forces us to innovate when challenged by changes in the market.

@jamesmovic - Any advice you would wish to give to my fellow steemians[ newbies] who are feeling dejected one way or the other due to low upvotes?

@demotruk - There's no guarantees on Steem. Even if you do your best and provide real value, you could go unseen by the relatively small number of people with large votes. If that is not acceptable for you, then perhaps you should give up. However make sure you think about the value you are getting on the other platforms you could spend your time on instead. Even if Steem is not reliable for money, how does it compare to other platforms, where you don't even have a chance of becoming a stakeholder by contributing?

@jamesmovic - What impression do you have about this interview and what do you feel about it?

@demotruk - It was an unsolicited message on so I'm going to flag you for it.....just kidding

@jamesmovic - Lol...thanks for your time and thanks for honoring my invitation

@demotruk - Glad to help


@demotruk has spoken on the need for all steemians to cast their votes for witnesses, if you want the community to keep on flourishing . If you truly believe in @demotruk, in making the community a better place, if you value and appreciate what he does as a witness, you can support him, and make his efforts count, by casting your vote for @demotruk. If you are doing this for the first time, all you need to do is head to the witness page and follow the instructions written on the image below



overview of all my interviews so farYou can check out my previous interviews with @pfunk @roelandp @themarkymark @krnel @someguy123 @felixxx @neoxian @adsactly @noisy @D-pend @pharesim @ehiboss @ogoowinner @nnnarvaez @surfyogi @timcliff @papa-pepper, by clicking on the


Below are the names of witnesses I'm currently voting for, and I strongly recommend you to vote :

@pfunk @sircork @roelandp @themarkymark @krnel @ausbitbank @pharesim @felixxx @noisy.witness @drakos @someguy123 @castellano @neoxian @steemgigs @timcliff @lukestokes.mhth and @adsactly.witness . you can also give your support by casting your vote for those names.


@jamesmovic is just a young guy trying as much as possible to make the community a better place, by promoting witnesses. If you like what I'm doing as a steemian, you can support me in any way you can.


Thank you all for taking your time to read through this interview, and also for voting for these witnesses. Till next time.


GoldenProjectBanner-01.jpgGreat work you are doing @jamesmovic keep it up

Someone who tirelessly supports the promo-steem tag deserves my vote... Thank you jamesmovic


Thanks for stopping by brother, and thanks for approving him as your witness

Great job @demotruk with the promo-steem. I must commend you. Voted


Thanks for approving him as your witness... I really appreciate

Never heard of the name @demotruk since I joined the platform, but then I must applaud you for your good works... The advice for newbies is also superb

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

One of the biggest dangers is for us to be complacent to rest on our laurels ive learnt that today thanks @demotruk.@jamesmovic thank you for this wonderful interview.

Thanks for stopping by rose

Thanks for those information stated above. I always ask some steemians most of those questions asked. You have really done a wonderful job. You have oriented me on most of those things I must attend to on Steemit. Once again, thank you.

I'm glad my interview Helped alot

Now I know... 😁Nice interview @jamesmovic Never knew @demotruk was actually a witness, came across him while doing some promo steem last month I think you know now, thanks for stopping by

Stay blessedMuch love @demotruk glad I could learn from your interview

Stay blessed love

Thanks @demotruk for honoring this interview. Nice job James

@demotrik keep up building the platform You are doing a great job.. Kudos to you @jamesmovic

Thanks a lot bro... See you soon

@jamesmovic i have a questions for you how do you dilligently carry out this activities,i must confess you ar doing a great job

Nice question. I will love to know too

I guess with hardwork and consistency... Thanks sis

James always making us to know more about the whales in this platform. Nice one bro

Thanks prechy

Great job on doing this series of interviews! 😊That's a very good interview, I am glad to learn about @demotruk

I am glad you learnt something... Thanks