Pro-tip: On DigitalOcean, sometimes you run out of memory when running steemd
and you might be tempted to expand the RAM of the droplet. There one thing you can try before bumping up the RAM. DigitalOcean recommends against it, but that's because they want you to pay them for the RAM. Instead, you can create a temporary swap volume. They don't like it because it puts more wear and tear on their SSD. To activate swap, do these commands in the shell:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=4000
sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
sudo swapon /var/swap.img
There will be bad performance issue when swapping, so best to make sure have enough physical RAM.
Agree 100%. Two weeks ago my motherboard stopped detecting RAM in one slot. I went from 16GB to 8GB. Syncing the blockchain went from about 30 minutes to 2 hours because it had to use the swap space on the SSD.
Good info here inertia..!
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you! 4 days
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