This shortcut wouldn't work as expected.
Please note that this means that newly created account will have only 0.1 STEEM burned, basically rendering newly accounts unusable (without delegating them SP anyway).
Currently STEEM is worth $0.25, which makes accounts cheap as dirt anyway.
Is there not a workaround with giving them rc's instead?
No, not yet. There was an idea of RC pools (separate RC from SP) that could fulfill this use case.
Any idea how or is anyone closer to implementing that?
RC Pools is considered a very useful thing for SMT, so I suspect if SMT gets done they will come with it.
Not holding my breath for that, it has been talked up and about by stinc for way too long for my liking, with little to no action. Yes I have totally lost any faith I had in stinc, though there was not a lot to lose in the first place.
Yes, we know you mention it a lot.
Ha you see me then. :-)
Are you telling me you still trust them to deliver the looooong awaited SMT's that kept people interested here?
AFAIR Steemit Inc. was positive about that, but then there was The Purge so I guess it's not a priority now.
They have priorities? sorry to seem negative, I am just used to them saying one thing and doing nothing.
That would be great. Something like CPUEMERGENCY for EOS could be created for STEEMians who needed SP to transact.
@gtg the last time I set up an account faucet it was drained in a few hours, by just a few people taking advantage.
I believe friends can delegate steempower to friends while helping them get up and running. We just need to let them have access to account creation and the tools to delegate.
I agree the current price is dirt cheap - but that can change depending on fat fingers in the marketplace.
We wont hurt by giving it a real try, you game?