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More Investors & More Users to Steemit

vote fyrst-witness here
vote fyrst-witness here
Good afternoon from Lima, Perú.
I have been asked by several people to run for steemit-witness, and after due consideration I have decided to do so. I will list the reasons why voting for me as witness will be in all our interest. I believe in Steemit Inc. and the Steemit-platform for the long term.
Voting for fyrst-witness will enable me to advertise and host investor-seminars regularly and attract investors to steem long term in Peru, Chile and Ecuador
As a salesman and a public and private speaker I am top notch when it comes to convincing people to buy any product that I myself believe in. Coming from a background in sales and marketing from the old world, I am not afraid to pick up the phone and start dialing numbers, walk door to door and do the hard sell. As a witness I would be enabled to host investor-seminars in one of the largest cities in Latin-America and build the Latin-American steemit community.
Voting for fyrst-witness will enable me to do marketing and host steemit-parties to attract more top users to steemit
Peru is full of beautiful people, and for a platform like Steemit to succeed we need users from all over the world, which also includes people who speak other languages than English, and Peru is one of those countries. Getting user-traction from this region will by word of mouth spread to Peruvians all over the world. Remember the Peruvian Brothers Fastfood truck in Washington DC that started accepting Bitcoin? and of course who can forget the Peruvian Alpaca socks that every Bitcoin OG wears There are also a few other Peruvian Products that are super-popular among Bitcoin-users, but let´s focus on Users & Investors, which will be the area I will focus on in Peru.
Voting for fyrst-witness will contribute to @steemspeak Radio and enable better programming for our 24/7 Talk-Radio about steemit!
SteemSpeak Radio Stakepool has about 500+ users circulating in different time-zones and has become the go-to-place for all things steem. It is a true digital speakers corner and many disputes has been resolved after meeting and talking about issues and understand one another on a human level, so if you are not a part of SteemSpeak Radio Stakepool yet, please join us live at and click the blue studio-button and follow instructions.

You got my vote
And where is my upvote ? )))
Nowhere to be found.
This guy! ^.^
Youve done some great work for Steem so far, you have my vote! fyrst-witness - Charlie
thank you @charlieshrem - Voting me in as Witness enables me to keep doing great things for steem outside of the steemit-circle. When we are serious about winning the big market-shares in social media, we have to do marketing and get more users and investors onboard. The Price is getting right for big investments to come in now.
EDIT: OK used fyrst-witness and it worked!
I upvotes Roger n Snore
And Nug for president@fyrstikken ??
@fyrstikken, i wish you woukd run for president. You're so qualified!
Still waiting for your name to be there.
You can vote fyrst-witness now :)
My one issue, for now, is the minnow math not getting done.
If I knew that my .0005400009 would slowly add up it would make this long slog through the rejections that much more palatable.
And, who knows, in ten years those decimals may move up two places making them significant.
And more Vikings! Don't forget about the Vikings...
Vikings for everyone :D
@fyrstikken, I voted for @fyrst-witness. Steem On friend!
You've got my vote mate, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner :P
Can't find your name when I enter it dude? Checked the spelling three times too. When it's fixed will gladly vote!
syncing the blockchain again, it is at 57% :) It will be up soon.
It is there now!!
The excavator campaign was an upvote extravaganza. Im sure this well be too.
May the Norse be with you.
Fyrstikken will babysit our steem well!
As a witness take care of keeping quality up on steemit - as well as growth and prosper. Good luck :)
thank you :) Don´t forget to vote!
Finally, thought you never go for it... voted
thank you very much @elyaque :)
@fyrstikken taking over the world! :-)
I am here to serve :)
Also having trouble voting. Tried your name with & without @, and it says it can't find a record...
synced up now, it works - you can vote fyrst-witness now :)
Am I been blind? I can't find it!
...enter the account name below to cast a vote... 😒
did you vote for fyrst-witness?
Yep, finally I found you 😂👍🏿
I meant "being" 🙊🙉
Saw this coming. You've been so active and a big part of the growing community. Best of luck with your witness campaign!
thank you very much @donchate
You have my support, mainly because of your entrepreneurial and creative mind.
excellent congratulations
I cant believe you didn't think of this sooner? You will be the No. 1 witness in no time flat!........
Voted and excited about it!
Legit you have my vote brother.
Woot! Fyrstikken 2016! lol
Got my vote!
Steemspeak is a really cool radio. You have my vote, good sir. :-D
Thank you @xanoxt :) I hope to see you on steemspeak soon too
u have my vote
Unable to find witness account 'fyrstikken'. Did you forget to add a record for it?
please give it a few more minutes, needed to post the witness-thread first so no we are syncing up. Egg before Chicken ;) soon soon :)
No problem, thanks for helping out...
all synced up and working - you can vote fyrst-witness now :)
Thank you @majes :)
You have my vote for sure, keep it up the good work! Nice to see so happy people here! You go, man!!! :)
Voted for you. But don't stop. Next step - fyrstikken for President of the Galaxy!
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proofreading my friend @cheetah, proofreading. You should have seen the other pastebin, oh man - so many mistakes :) But yes - it is my pastebin and it is for this article... guess you can call it a draft :) lol
Upvoted my buddy @fyrstikken
You have ADSactly 100% Vote We are sure you realize how Powerful that Vote is!
@fyrstikken i upvoted you.please sir upvote me.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___(。˘з˘)ᗡლ==8 Don't mind me just taking my LegendaryNele for a walk
You have my vote to bro!
Just voted for you! :)
You've got my vote too! :)
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Hello! I'd Like to Introduce Myself Again and Ask You to Please Vote For @fyrst-witness - The Viking Steemit Needs by @contentjunkie
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Very nice goodluck!
Voted for you.
Voted for fyrst-witness and Resteemed this post. Good Luck!
thank you
Just voted for you. Hope I am not too late. Is this vote merritocratic too, or democratic? And what is this witness thing?
Just voted for you. Good luck!
Just voted for you Big Brother
just voted
just voted for the witness