CrackDown Witness Declaration

I am officially declaring my entry as a Steem Witness. Please continue reading as I make my case to secure your upvotes.

For those who don't know what a witness does, they host nodes that process blockchain data blocks, and ensure their integrity. These blocks contain data for posts and transactions that Steemit or other sites can interact with. Witnesses also provide security to the network and establish changes to Steem, like setting the price feed, SDB interest rates, and account creation fees.

You have 30 votes to apply to elect people as a witness and promote their chance at higher rankings and responsibility. You can see where people are here:

And vote for people here:

To vote for me, use the above link, and go to the bottom of the page, and enter my name crackdown into the box and click VOTE:

Server Specs
8 vCores
2.4 GHz
10 GB swap

i am using google cloud for this witness

i hope you can upvote me and i can get support for monthly payment

i am now campaign off line about steemit in my country on daily basis.


welcome to steemit