which was resolved by executing this commandhey @klye where can i download steem-blocks-and-index.zip .. i am stuck there as the file is no longer available. Great writeup on step by step creating the node. Did face an error when executing ./steemd
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
now just stuck in downloading the file steem-blocks-and-index.zip
any suggestions where i can get it ?
@gtg hosts copies of the blockchain at his site:
which file should I download ? because according to your instructions
Sorry for my noobness as my proficiency in ubuntu is lacking, I just want to try get this up and running.
I am stuck here as well, it seems like @gtg's site is down
You may consider this guide instead https://steemit.com/steem/@someguy123/your-guide-to-setting-up-a-witness-server-steem-in-a-box-hf19
Very good! @klye, you have my vote for Witness!