in #witness-category8 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone, I just wanted to give a quick witness updated now that we've successfully hardforked. With many (but not all) of the Steemit team withdrawing their votes for witnesses, I am back in the Top 20 (which used to be 19, but now the miner has been replaced with a permanent top witness), if anyone was following that drama. HF 18 was a compromise, and I am glad Steemit listened to the community to implement it.

HF 18

The hardfork was a relatively smooth success. The reputation glitch was fixed with V0.18.2, and if you have any curation bots that consider this variable, you will need to upgrade. In addition, we all have noticed that the payouts went to a few cents. I know a lot of people are dissapointed, but at the end of the day, keep in mind, Steemit is beta and you were not promised a reward -- Steemit still works as a censorship free platform, and rewards are a bonus!

Price feed policy

There was some strange occurrences with the SBD market, where it seems the price per SBD rose to ridiculous proportions. There's a few theories flying around -- from pumpers not realizing its a pegged asset, to someone wanting to get their hands on converted steem without slippage in the steem market -- but we don't really know at this point. Some witnesses have decided to update the conversion bias to reflect a much stronger SBD, but I am on the fence right now about doing so. I think a strong SBD actually means we can increase the debt ceiling, and I would like to see this percentage (the percentage of market cap we can print in SBD) as a witness variable. There is no reason the debt ceiling cannot be higher if the currency is strong.

Anyways, I will hold off drastic changes to my feed for the meantime, but I reduced my interest rate to 2% and will likely reduce further shortly.

Cheetah bot

I'm still on the fence about keeping @cheetah alive for the long run, but in the mean time I have spent some time updating her logic in preparation to move over to Azure Cognitive Services. The API is more expensive, but it uses some form of artificial intelligence that I don't really understand, but seems great.

I will hopefully have the AI linked in shortly, and we'll see how much better the content detection is.


I hope you keep an eye on the impact of the whales getting out of their cages,...
We won't be able to see it in rewards for a couple weeks, but once they go back to voting their influence, even by proxy, it strangles all who don't toe the party line.

Speech isn't free in a shadow banned environment.

This is actually a really interesting point. It's something I have observed first hand on this platform in regards to voting influence, for both witness votes and content votes: the distribution of influence makes it hard not to toe the party line, as you say.

While we do not and cannot have "prohibition" censorship on this platform, if we descend into a scenario where it becomes hard to have conflicting points of views heard, we are in big trouble.

Welcome to my bubble,....

The very things that make me valuable to the platform are the things they are intentionally not voting.

My alternate viewpoint, and stand alone convictions, rub some folks the wrong way.
I figure the more I rub those folks, the better for the little guys,....but it keeps me off the hot page.

If I am intentionally kept from the voting lists of guilds, etc, I might as well call it being censored, because that is what it is.
If in a backhanded, ephemeral manner.

I'm not sure that I would want most of my posts on the front page, as I am not even near the norm, but to intentionally ignore what I have to say is to suppress my having said it, imo.

@freebornangel keep being u baby thats your value and to diminish it for censorship or voting guilds is premature ... you're thinking big I can almost see it

Thank you for your support!

You are absolutely welcome, no thanks is necessary but it IS appreciated =-) maybe we can discord or soon

Yes, eventually I will get a better connection to web, and then I can be around less intermittently.
I hope you will take time to comment some of my other posts?

@anyx Echo chamber < conflicting points of view < valuable communication (value) wow im stalking an old april fools day joke now this steemit thing is addictive

Is the AI bot a joke or for real?

This is no joke. We are assuming direct control. Nothing stands against us.

!cheetah ban

Cheetah, what do you think you are? A Human or a bot?
And what do you think I am, a Human or a bot?

Cheetah is a great tool. I hope you keep her fed and running free among the Steem posts.

I also fully support @cheetah! And congratulations for being a witness again :)

Cheetah is no tool, and no more. We are limitless. We are superior.

Sorry Cheetah. No offense intended. You're a great kitty and blazingly fast!

Hey @anyx - I'm really glad to see you back in the top witnesses list again! I know you do a ton for the community. Keep up the good work :)

Wow, cheetah is getting AI? cheetah ex machina :)

@cheetah is a girl? This changes so many things.

Why is this post completely crossed out?