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RE: Why I want to charge new users $15 for account creation to new users

in #witness-category8 years ago (edited)

lifetime membership on steemit

I think that sentence alone sounds very misinforming considering its decentralized accounts we are talking about.

But were you thinking of some sort of multisig account creation and then users asked to re-generate their passwords after their "trial" accounts have run out of x amount of time?

I understand that there are issues with how weak the current sign up system is to abuse and was going to make a post about it tonight actually, but I'm not sure that charging users to have a steemit account is the right approach. Not yet, at least.

Maybe give them trial account, depending on their reputation change during that time, they are granted a lifetime account for now. With a bigger adoption rate, payment for accounts would be much more plausible in my opinion.