The Silent Killer...

in #wisdom6 years ago


Judgement kills...


Judgement kills...

The spirit of
The beauty in diversity.
The power of synergy.
The chance of reconciliation.
The wholeness of our brains.

Yet how many thousands of times per day do we silently judge, playing out the programming of cultures seeing their standards superior...?

How many commit suicide slowly, *not even knowing that they are responsible for the hinderances placed on growth through addictively engaging the silent killer of judgement...?



This reminds me of some of my studies on humanity and the way we were seeded in this place we know as dimensional existence.

I really get into astrotheology and studying the sigils and archetypes that have (basically) run amok.

In Deuteronomy, the Ten Commandments tell us things about judgement that I feel are often dismissed, due to a lack of coherent understanding of language and symbol.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."

From my lens, I witness this as precisely what you are speaking of. Many will say this has something to do with taking or making pictures of G_d...where I see that in all things resides some G-d-like essence and if we are to fixate on any one slice, beit in the creation of a physical image, or a para-sight we create in our mind's eye.

In my vision, I see this is how the machine perpetuated and went mad within itself attempting to reconcile. Each slice of this vision became slivers in our eyes, the way I see it.

It's a massive fracture that happened at once and that continually spins, 'til the watcher is self-witness and capable to prioritize...and re-organize.

And suddenly, Judgement never existed.

I think the judgmental nature of others comes from self-distrust, so someone looks for a place to blame someone else. The judgmental nature of others can feed the ego and become silent killers. It not only kills the character of others, but also kills the character of oneself.

When someone judges others, it may come from envy. That's why popular and successful people will become victims of judgment for people who are actually afraid of being rivaled.

The sad thing this couple of years was when someone was already showing suicidal symptoms, the person was still blamed about his/her life that was not close to God.

About killing self character, comes from self-judgmental attitude that can not be someone else. And everyone is born to be different. In the end, people who can feel at peace are the ones who can accept the diversity.

The beauty in diversity.

Thanks for your sharing. many thousands of times per day do we silently judge...

The way I see it, judgment has become a necessary part of the society. Strong people, their strong ideas, and their even stronger wills are tested every day under the crucible of judgment. It has become a proving ground for any innovation or ideal, akin to a trial by ordeal.

However, it's not that this is the way it should be, it's the way it's become.

We judge others to protect our own ideals, unwilling to change our ways for something untested and volatile. When their ideas survive our judgment and flourish, they begin to appear possible to us.

So although judgment has its negative side and has snuffed out a literally unknown number of ideas, it has at the same time protected us from many ills. For instance, racism is judging someone from a different race as inferior. A lot of humanity (erroneously) judged that idea to be true at a time, and have now flipped the coin by judging those who uphold it.

In the end, much like the theory of Mutually Assured Destruction, judgment has its good and bad sides. It's the "silent killer" of both good and bad. We have no choice but to let it live on, and pray that we're always on the right side, otherwise...


Exactly! We always judge others to the extend we judge ourselves.
We compare others to the extend we compare ourselves.
We fear others to the extend we fear ourselves.
We hurt others to the extend we hurt ourselves.
We accept other to the extend we accept ourselves.
And we love others to the extend we love ourselves.

ALL of these root WITHIN, never without.

The main reason why the real root cause WITHIN is almost always swept under the table lies in the fact that reflecting on the cause necessitates challenging ourselves, a thing almost impossible for Souls experiencing inner Separation since the Ego’s natural propensity is to leave others holding the baby!

So let us turn the collective tide and inundate the planet with Love! :)

No need to be overly generous! Your words are gift enough for my consciousness! :)

I vote where I recognize and appreciate value.

Partly, to keep the energy in flow proportionately.

Partly, to set an example for onlookers so others may see and learn what value sticks out and is worthy of reward.

Your comment is one of the best here - thus, in my opinion, well-deserving of being bumped to the top with a reasonable dollar figure attached, so as to provide a fine example of how comments are done excellently. ;-)

@rok-sivante, you just hit the nail on the head.

have you ever imagine a world without judging and critisism?


it's a pity that many are victims of this; judging without seeking to know others purpose and intentions, whereas if they happen to know their intentions, judging will not be as common as it is, and here the truth remains that the moments you judge others, you automatically judge yourself because he who points a finger on someone is indirectly pointing the remaining four fingers on his self.



it's a pity that many are victims of this

Though is that pity not a form of judgement in itself...? ;-)

@rok-sivante, lols, well this is a perspective boss, I personally don't see it as judging per say.

but if it is, well, I surrender(lols) and I don't pity so I wouldn't be a judging victim.


Judgement kills growth, judgment kills love, judgment kills life. Love is the cement of the universe and it’s the only thing that gives life. Anything that’s not built on the foundation of love is only existing to kill and drain energy.
Everything in life is built on two sides, we live in a world of dualism but in true reality everything exists as One and it’s not our job to judge the possibilities of any of the opposites , it’s the job of “love”, and in this I mean it as love in it’s deepest sense

each of said that has been out of the mouth someone, like the sound is Tiger MU, with sound and words that has been out of the mouth you would be very dangerous to the end of the journey someone, should all the Act assessed with a decision never-based, so a decision making a person as victims, where the decision-makers without a test of the truth that must be in the decide, so that arise was a big question for them, what is and why is this true, if any knowledge and understanding of all this time there is no valid, how about a chance to be given to them in repairing any mistakes they've done, so they get a place in the improvement, so worth it was the one that every attitude and wisdom high should be had so that everyone memeliki opportunity for a better life, a discussion of a very nice of you @rok-sivante

Wow this is so short, precise and loaded. Life sure happens and no matter what, we have to take whatever comes our way.

We sure cannot turn the hands of time and we should learn not to compare ourselves with others.
Even people born the same day from the same mother didnt come to be with the same brain and wont likely have the same experience in life.

Life is beautiful though. In all

Wisdom is the most important thing in human life, enough of it can make you achieve your destiny in life and if you are shot of it life will be difficult. Using you opportunity in life at the right time will unlock all your hidden potentials and your sense of judgment is key to your decision. The power of synergy will help you to relate with people that will add value to your life. Interesting and insightful post @rok-sivante thanks for sharing.

Hmm.. That's something to ponder about. We do judge but by our own standards or by the ones of the peers?

Often, both.

a nice explanation, sometimes the target of wrong judgement will backfire for yourself

Everyone has the potential of mind power. but not everyone knows and is able to enable it to gain tremendous benefits. they complain and despair. why do not they use their minds. they have committed suicide with their minds.

Very good article. thanks @rok-sivante

Perfect explanation ....
These are scattered words but are deeply linked with each other....
I would say you are great observer finding links between different words...

is really a friend, maybe @ rok-sivante is a veiled artist

this is a world of friends full of theatrical scenes, how are we to start living in peace?
it may be difficult for us to live in peace with those around us disliking peace, mutual humiliation and killing and sometimes the suicide itself is the result of the environment, how our environment, peace or chaos.

"this is a world of friends full of theatrical scenes, how are we to start living in peace?"

Leela, divine play, is the ongoing show. Watch it, but don't get caught in it. In the World, But Not of It.

this world is just a stopover for our friends, so take advantage of this life to be the best.

means that every day we have committed silent killings

in a killer study. every assassination attempt is a planned act. both mature and suddenly mooted. the world's most violent murder is killing freedom of expression. a human being will lose his sense of humanity when the killing of freedom is working continuously.

when the judgement kills that's mean we have no chance to stay in the right place, some thing horrible will come after. trust and believe also will definitely become a fairy tale. it is right to be? the answer of this problem is stop to ignore and start thinking while set up a plant to change the situation. positive thought is the initial step on keep believing that the storm will be pass, the condition will be even better.

We must not judge a person so as to make the person feel alienated, but we must be in a position to encourage him to resolve the problem.

The best article my friend @rok-sivante.
I will resteem your article. Thanks you my friend.

Yes! You are right, so many times we judge from our selfish perspective making it look like we are the most perfect one....

Judging people without really knowing them is a ingrained skill in the human toolkit that was used in the past to defend ourselves but these days is not that useful and ends up causing issues, the way to go is to try and rationalize it and not base your life relationships with other persons based on your early judgements, which will happen doesn't matter who you are and instead teach yourself to get to know other people before labeling them.

This is not an easy job but if you are able to do it you'll learn to navigate the waters of life with a little bit more of confidence.

Hello, the topic you discussed is something new to the community members, but I think if we understand your content properly and understand it properly, then what do you mean from here? I think the matter you are trying to tell is very nice and it is very important for the community. A good content is presented to you in a very beautiful way And I think your blog post too perfect, I hope you are a qualified community member will give you the gift of a beautiful post!

Judgement truly kills. My people said 'Laifi tudu ne, sai taka naka ka hango na wani"

Roughly meaning an offence is sand dune, and one tends to stand on his own while looking at people offences.

We are meeting for the first time @rok-sivante got here by reading @spiritualmax's post


this is a very deep word, I have not been able to comment so far, you are very intellectual in the language, I will follow you :) regards from me rok- sivante

Powerful message given from your article @rok-sivante, Personal liking and disliking should not be involved in judgement on any matter.


What is a sir? A poem or a song lyrics. But there is a message in it, whether it is about pain, death, murder or cultural progress towards the less good.

the words you write are very fiber meaning. This fantasy is on a cold-blooded killer. if killing a criminals, can nurture 10 good people, is that also cruel judgment ?, do not kill anyone as long as there is still another way to turn.

best regards @jubagarang

on nowadays life, judgement often use by a man/community with great power to easier their way to achieve desire. Sometime or even many times this "judgement" judge the wrong guy in wrong way, so that these words

How many commit suicide slowly, *not even knowing that they are responsible for the hinderances placed on growth through addictively engaging the silent killer of judgement...?

"Judgement should use to make people obey to the law, not to make the law obey to people."

Master @rok-sivante.

This post really contains a very deep meaning and very important. Every word you put together has an important meaning to life.

I really have to learn a lot on you.

If in our terms from Indonesia. the words of your post are like a saying about a counsel that we need to pay attention to.

We know that social problems continue to happen .. the real spiritual or plant that is character. And many of us have not been able to move and change better.

So to overcome the bad things we do not want we need to work together to solve all our problems together.

And in Steemit we may find solutions to be able to be brothers and sisters together.

Thank you very much for the knowledge and pesa you give us in the post.

Hopefully always Success Master @rok-sivante.

By @rijalaronaceh from Indonesia.

Hufffft .. I have to breathe in deeply @rok-sivante, I do not know how big the spirit of justifying a person it should start from where, because I am not the type who likes to justify someone else.

I prefer not to justify others, because of course it can kill him, but I choose to improve myself, at least other people can not justify me just, honestly .. justifying or justification is not comfortable at all: D

I just try to do my best, that's all man ...

And in the end, we get killed without realizing it. And die before being put into practice.

Time to argue with our keyboard again lol. Great expression, behold this is where we found ourselves, a world were we judge others pretending to be better and not knowing what the other person is passing through, thereby causing unseen suicide @roksivante

Hi my best friend @rok-sivante. Nice to visit your blog.

I am interested in your concern for human values. In essence humans are born for mutual respect, regardless of race, race, and religion. The blacks let them with their black skin, the white ones let them with their whites.

No need to question it. So it will create peace, prosperity. The unreliability of something unnecessary, fighting and killing each other killing it is sinful.

may God always keep you my best friend.

My honor and proud of you.

Civilization arises from the existence of two conflicting traits, love and hatred based on emotion. We are familiar with the legal term Rimba or natural law, which is strong for weak spending,here is the Love that can overcome it.
We will be held liable for damages that we commit.

murder occurred due to too much weight being accepted,

suicide occurs also because of the weight of the problem received,

who do that is a man whose mind is weak and thinks of this world narrow!

judges are also many who are not fair in deciding cases, if our proverb in Indonesia "LAW sharp down, blunt upwards"

judgment for self-killing is unfortunate, reflected in my right brain that killing myself happens to me and those of my steemit account, inconsistently in writing I consider self-murder its name, I suppose for them the intellect does not some are killing themselves but the development being pursued

It's very sad we listen, but it's a lot of work and can benefit the people out there, but it takes a special effort to suppress it all, so that it does not happen that way again.

I think judging others comes from the nature of the ego that exists within us with a despicable passion. So someone seeks opportunities to find the person's wrongdoing.

This type of sifaf can not be allowed to be so long as it can kill the personality character of oneself. usually these traits occur in people who break up the spirit or ideals are not achieved achieved. so he was thinking in a fad.

The nature of each person varies depending on how one has a broad mindset for his life.

Meaningful words. We will never know if we never try to contemplate ourselves from all the actions we have done.
So, who wrongs the judgment of killing?

a very good statement that is full of the right meaning and purpose in judging murder. I can conclude from this paper there are 7 most important in judging murder, as beriku:

  1. Understand.
  2. Possibility.
  3. Compassion.
  4. Intellect.
  5. Curiosity.


Lost in translation.

This is completely unrelated, but I was taught to be the silent killer.

For I am too introverted to want to work in groups or rely on help from others.

I do not like trends and conforming.

So I stick to myself, work on myself and become the silent killer when I go out there to win.

Hope you been aight bro!

Different angle. Not a bad strategy... :-)

Wise words. Have experienced several times when people judge my race, my language, etc.

Maybe it feels great to stand on the moral high spot for those people.