

I am very2 appreciated you for all of your kindness.

Thank you very much sir for your attention.
I am always with you..

Your sincerely , @rijalaronaceh

Just a minute and it's very profitable for you ..

I fail to see how there’s any profit in there for me. Which means a) you’ve failed to communicate properly, or b) that’s simply bullshit.

In either case...

The authors I vote for, I do so out of my own choice to support the value they are creating consistently through their content, as I am inspired by it. Not because they’ve come to me begging for handouts.


Sir @rok-sivante,

Once again, thank you very much for all your comments, and your comments really provide valuable lessons and advice for me.

Thank you very much, you have become a very valuable and useful teacher for me.

Regards .. (your student) @rijalaronaceh.

“Expectations ruin relationships.”

~ original source unknown

I am really sorry. I am apologize sir... Forgive for my mistake. Thank you very much sir.


Why are you plastering my blog with all these links? (Rhetorical question. I do not want an answer, but for you to realize it is inappropriate strategy that is not appreciated in my space.)

I really don’t care to spend hours watching your video content in a language I don’t understand.

I really don’t want your entire social media contact list taking up space on my blog posts, especially when it has zero relevance to the posts themselves.

In all honesty: I have zero interest in contacting you. I’m occupied with my own business, living my own life, and am not taking on any new mentorships at this point.

Best guidance I can offer:

The Dirty Dozen: My Top 12 Most HIGHLY Recommended Posts For Steemit Noobs To Accelerate Your Success...

Very wise in giving answers, I agree with your opinion brother @rok-sivante

I think, From both the description is very clear. From there we can know correctly, Whether he or she is an active or just nonsense account user of Steemit.

We can all judge who exactly the person who really wants to create content and consistent in making the content.