I am very2 appreciated you for all of your kindness.
Thank you very much sir for your attention.
I am always with you..
Your sincerely , @rijalaronaceh
I am very2 appreciated you for all of your kindness.
Thank you very much sir for your attention.
I am always with you..
Your sincerely , @rijalaronaceh
I fail to see how there’s any profit in there for me. Which means a) you’ve failed to communicate properly, or b) that’s simply bullshit.
In either case...
The authors I vote for, I do so out of my own choice to support the value they are creating consistently through their content, as I am inspired by it. Not because they’ve come to me begging for handouts.
Sir @rok-sivante,
Once again, thank you very much for all your comments, and your comments really provide valuable lessons and advice for me.
Thank you very much, you have become a very valuable and useful teacher for me.
Regards .. (your student) @rijalaronaceh.
“Expectations ruin relationships.”
~ original source unknown
I am really sorry. I am apologize sir... Forgive for my mistake. Thank you very much sir.
Why are you plastering my blog with all these links? (Rhetorical question. I do not want an answer, but for you to realize it is inappropriate strategy that is not appreciated in my space.)
I really don’t care to spend hours watching your video content in a language I don’t understand.
I really don’t want your entire social media contact list taking up space on my blog posts, especially when it has zero relevance to the posts themselves.
In all honesty: I have zero interest in contacting you. I’m occupied with my own business, living my own life, and am not taking on any new mentorships at this point.
Best guidance I can offer:
The Dirty Dozen: My Top 12 Most HIGHLY Recommended Posts For Steemit Noobs To Accelerate Your Success...
Very wise in giving answers, I agree with your opinion brother @rok-sivante
We can all judge who exactly the person who really wants to create content and consistent in making the content.