The Wisdom of Learning in Letter 11.

in #wisdom7 years ago


It is a letter made up of a kanji meaning water and tongue. 'In the beginning God breathed into man's nose and gave life. It is a soul that is infused with simple organisms. '

If you look at a movie or a drama, you can see a scene where a mouth is burned and a few drops of water fall into the mouth of the dying person and they are restored. Those who have carried out long marches will not forget the preciousness of the water. Could it be that in these dramatic situations we feel the preciousness of life and water?

Often people tend not to cherish common things, but most important things in our lives are mostly common. Water, air, love, life ... Why do we rethink this preciousness only after experiencing suffering through lack? The presence of water droplets that caused the fire of life to burn again, the presence of life in preparation for death, the clear sky covered with fine dust ... Why not then?

Like the breath of God that gave life, I am thankful to the Lord for loving all of the common and common things that enable me to live an ordinary day.

Through an unstoppable heart and hot blood,
With your loved ones,
In the world where I can breathe and drink
To give me a day.