First night aftet leaving the hostel was chill because I talked for a while with a woman who was giving out seeds for voluntary contribution and she recommended I talk to another chilean who sold crafts a few blocks down.
As I approached the place she had indicated I saw someone with her description: "clearly indigenous". Turns out this new friend was from the huilliche people, natives of the currently Chilean territory. He talked to me a lot about the differences between huilliche and mapuche, differences that are highly unkown even between people with indigenous ancestry.
He talked about their ceremonies, how they would summon the Divine in rites in the sea, how they would summon all the folk by blowing an instrument called trutruka which is like a horn but with some extra spins. Of course all this led to talk about magic and esoterism in which he turned out to be highly instructed. Even more, he plays out here as a messenger for consciousness to evolve in humanity.
He invited me to his place and there he gave me more information than I could actually process, but the most important thing for me in the moment was that he told me to keep in mind that no one can stop me from fulfilling my destiny and gave me several examples of how that works.
Another important thing I can remember was about understanding Love as it has become highly corrupted from it's original meaning. He said that Love is not something you do or is done for you, it is an energy that is always there and it's up to us whether to join in or not.
This is important beyond the mystical aspect as it can bring balance in our lives. He said: "Nature gives you a potato but it won't cook it for you. You have to do that. We think Love is giving out favorite people everything in a silver platter but that's not how it is. Then we have people who can't evolve because everything is done for them".
The examples of this were many but one I think is easy to understand is how churches of many religions give food to the homeless on the streets. The problem is that many of them stop doing anything for their lives. They just sit there in the same spot, asking for money and choosing from a variety of churches to eat from. They stop developing skills and make no contribution.
From the side of the church, they take a whole lot of resources from the land, from communities, especially indigenous, and then they hand them out with their chests puffed up saying how generous they are and how you should thank them.
So, in conclusion, this path of Love proposed by don Juan (that's his name and yeah, I thought he might actually be Juan Matus, perhaps a reencarnation or something), says that the way to act with integrity is not to be generously giving all that you can to others, but rather taking what you need and leaving for others to take their share.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't help others. If you think about the context he was helping me by letting me stay at his house. But this is a perspective from the people of America who lived fully immersed in the relationships with all the living beings that surrounded them and had no frontiers to stop them from moving to where they needed to go. Then comes along an army of thieves holding a cross, confiscate everything, and give out some of it preaching Love and Compassion.
There's tons more we talked about, including witchcraft and the sutil planes of existence, but the post is already runnin long for me and my battery is running out so I might tell you more next time.
Comments, thoughts? Feel free to say what you want, not here to judge.
Yes, I agree with much of what you express here. Love is evolution and growth, both from the inside and the outside. I'd better not give my opinion on churches...
Why not? God isn't going to be angry heheh
I agree totally with his understanding of love. It is so much bigger than any of us, it is pure energy and yes we decide whether to allow it to flow into our lives or if we block it or hold onto it. But we can never really experience it, unless we let it flow through our lives xx
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thanks 💚🌴✨