Just some thoughts I've been having and a couple of snowy pictures.

in #winter7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone

Today I am here to talk about something different then my usual gaming related posts. It's been a while since I've made a post where I just write about what's been on my mind lately and now felt like a good time.

As most of you may already know or have noticed yourselves, the winter for us living up north(probably for others too) has been a little disappointing this year. It did start snowing at some point but it only took a couple of days for it to melt away. Leaving everything all wet and annoying. It's been like that multiple times already this winter. However the worst part of this isn't that it's wet or muddy. The thing that really gets to me is the darkness. I know there are a lot of people out here that have had it much worse this winter considering that last month a big part of Finland got no sun at all for the whole month. I live closer to the south so we have been very fortunate to have had a few really sunny days which really felt great.

I took a couple of photos today that I wanted to share with you where you can see how it looks over here at the moment.

This one is from yesterday.

As you can see there is not a lot of snow but enough to make everything white!

Yesterday we finally got some snow on the ground that has now stayed there and it feels like the winter has arrived. It doesn't make it less weird though that we are in the middle of January already. The constant darkness really has a lot of negative effects on people and it's almost funny that there are still people who don't "believe" in global warming. I remember about 4 or 5 years ago in the winter. Me and my friends would gather and the ones that had a drivers license back then would be the drivers and others would just ride with them. Since the town I live in is surrounded by water, someone usually makes these tracks in the snow on the ice that can usually go for a few kilometers. They are accessible by car and that is exactly what we would do. We used to drive out on the ice with the car fully packed and you wouldn't even be worried about the ice ever breaking or even making a sound. I'm not saying there are no risks with this and I don't recommend anyone try it since it probably can end very badly. But the reason I brought this up is to just make the point that the winters were insane only a few years back. Compared to now it's like our country floated away and ended up somewhere warmer without anyone noticing.

I have no idea how the winters are gonna look in the future but for the very first time I can honestly say that I miss the snow. I've lately seen pictures on social media that my friends have posted from ski resorts here in Finland and it looks so beautiful. I guess I've taken the winters and snow for granted in the past.

This one I took today a little earlier and there is a bit more snow on the ground.

Hopefully the snow will stay with us for a while this time instead of melting away.

What are some of your thoughts on the climate and have you noticed any changes in the latest years? Please let me know in the comments below.

Hope you're all having a great Friday so far and enjoy the weekeend !




What are some of your thoughts on the climate and have you noticed any changes in the latest years? Please let me know in the comments below.

I live in Nigeria, so snow is what you'll never find here. But then, while it snows there, we experience what is called harmattan over here. During the harmattan season, the weather is normally cold, freezy and dusty, making everything so dry.

What harmattan looks like

However, the harmattan season this time is different from what I used to know during my childhood days. It's a little lighter now unlike before. The dust ain't that much again, the cold too, everything just seems to change and I'm missing the old harmattan I used to know. And oh! There used to be lots of cracks lips and people using petroleum jelly or Vaseline here and there. Today, it's no more.

And do you know why?

Climate change

Climate change is real

Image Source

That looks like monsoon but with dust! Dustsoon hehe. Climate change affects all regions differently and we're just starting to see the after-effects of what using so much energy so rapidly will do to our global environment. At least you can save some money on using (ironically enough) petroleum jelly. I feel bad that demand and consumption in the west has been a primary driver of this change for so long, and that people in other countries will have the least amount of options available to them to deal with it.

Yeah that's how it is. It looks very cool I have to say. what kind of temperatures do you usually have under this season? It looks like it could be really difficult to drive a car in that weather.

Thanks for you input :)

" The dust ain't that much again, the cold too, everything just seems to change and I'm missing the old harmattan I used to know."

Are you saying that you prefer it dustier?

waoowww <3 what a click man <3 which camera you are used for this click ? you made my day thanku for sharing
now i am following you :)

Thanks :) I actually just used my phone. It's a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Thank you!

We have enough snow to fill few continents! If you need some I can send you by mail :d
Love when you write, man, it's enjoying :)

Thanks for the support :)

Haha yeah that'd be great

I have noticed climate change too where I live. Here in our region, the winters are shrinked, before winters would start at end of September or early October and stay til start of March. During this time temperature would vary from 0 to -15 Celsius ( sudden rise and drops happened a lot). But for the last 4-5 years the winters have shrinked and now it starts at the end of November. The temperature stays around -5 to -8 Celsius (stays constant for long). Before we had rainy winters but now we have dry winters. This is what I have experienced in our region or city.

Sounds similar to what we have here.. Seems it's noticeable around the world

Thanks for stopping by and sharing :)

Yep, this is how I noticed the change in climate. You're welcome.... :))

That's funny, warm and muddy in Finland, absurdly cold in New England, it turns out that what is worse than getting snow and then having it melt and get all muddy is getting snow and not having it melt at all. After a few weeks of single digit temperatures and below we finally got a warm up and it is great.

Senpai Mugivara Luuffi, I understand your pain. I miss the snow too.
We don't have too much here :(

very unique skill .. i am amazed with your achievement my friend. help us to be successful like you are my brother

We’ve had the same sort of weather issues here in Boston. The cold weather is colder, the warm weather is warmer and the snow is heavier. Recently we had a snowstorm that drop 18 inches of snow, lead to huge amounts of flooding throughout the coastline and then a sub zero freeze lead to everything icing up. For coastal cities global warming is starting to become a thing! I can’t say I’m not worried...

Yeah I actually think I saw a video somewhere that was in Boston. It's weird how it's shifting.

I live close to the coast too and I feel the same way

Lllove it @strawhat.. Seriously the day have spent there is no more less than whole life.. #stay blessed and happy Dear...
I love snow and place like this but unfortunately In Pakistan we can't see it specially in our area. Northern areas have some some snow but this made me mad . More like a movie edited scene this place..

Here in Stockholm we didnt had so much snow either. Only a bit in november I Think. The last 3 Winters were quite "warm" in general I think altough we had much more snow last year! Nice Pictures!! :)

Yeah I think we have pretty similar weather.

Tack! ;)

Snow is so very pretty! Very cool post my Friend! All the best! Positive Energy! Light and Love! Great Karma! Blessed 2018! :)

Gorgeous shots, although I hate the winter in general. Love the mood they portray.

Thanks :) it's beautiful but I prefer the sun too :D

beautifull snap shots and exellent pictures

hahah not just arrived winter is in full mood @strawhat and beautifull photos you took

Snowww.. Where i'm from we're fascinated by it .what camera did you use to take those pics. I love how they came out.

beautifull snap shots and exellent pictures of some snowy also its a big matter that the globel warning decrease the winter season every year

wow awesome and wonderufll photos on a way of little snow hope you enjoy it in the middle of january man...in first photo really a beautifull view

that is incredible! what good photos, what a beautiful place, these photos are for writing stories of terror or something mysterious, very good shots, I loved them.

Well, I have never seen snow and frankly I don't want to see it, when temperatures here get around 18 degrees Celsius (about 64 Fahrenheit) that is just too cold for me, the coldest day I have ever had, at least that I knew the temperature was 9 degrees Celsius and I hated that day.

Haha I can tell you that you're not really missing out. :D I'm kinda jealous. Where is it you live?


As a person who walks around snowy forests daily (I live in Finland) it really makes me sad how most people don't get to experience this. I just can't describe how great it feels to see a lot of snow.

suomi perkele btw

haha juu totta :D

super schöne Bilder

danke! :)

I haven’t stayed anywhere long enough to really be able to judge these past ten years...but everywhere I go they say it’s changed these past few years...

Thank you for your support of my post. Your winter pictures look great. Indeed, global warming markedly. I recently also wrote about this issue. January, and winter is just beginning its development. The snow fell recently.It's very strange.

You are very welcome :) the photos were beautiful!

Hey, I was just wondering what format you were using for your posts. I cannot seem to have my text and pics perfectly centered. Just let me know, if possible. Thanks!

They are .jpg files but to center them I usually do like this:

I'm not sure if this is the best way but it does the job. Let me know if you don't understand my example :)

Hope it helps!

Interesting. In the NW USA we've had gotten more snow by early November this year than we would normally get all year long. And it continued through Christmas. It may be climate change, but it hasn't been local warming. :D

nice pictues

wow nice posting!!

beautifull and exellent picture.. i live in a really hot city xD

fabulous one

Awesome posting....
I love it....
resteem this post..

good post reseteem

That's beautiful pictures

it's so cool

It is sad but the climate change is a fact, where we live every time the periods of drought are longer and the snow costs to see it

Thank you for the beautiful post

the photos are looking excellent! thanks a lot @strawhat taking those wonderful photos, good luck

It is definitely a fact that there is global warming. I like the cold weather, maybe it is because Nigeria is hot most times in the year. take good care.

Wow looks freezing cold out there looks really amazing in the shots :)

wow i too hope the snow remains there looks actually nice :)

the weather is changing quite rapidly now a days but good that the snow is there at least finally nice pictures

surreal and amazing this looks wonderful

hello, i live in venezuela here where i live we dont have snow any day of the year here is sunny almost all the year we have a rainy season but that's all, i see those pics you posted and i would like to be there believe me.