Winners do what Losers aren't willing to do?
Many times we are not willing to do certain things that look hard to do. We will most likely choose to go for the easier choices to move forward. There are things we tend to forget and that is "Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve".
Creating companies from the ground up are not easy things to achieve. Working a lot to save the money and turn it into crypto in huge amounts is NOT easy to achieve. Make steemit a living to be free from the slavery system is not easy to achieve.
All I want to point out, is that we need to keep going and never give up. All difficult things are not easy to achieve, but they are beautiful when they are already achieved. I never stop dreaming no matter the level I am, I do advise you to keep dreaming big for the universe to respond back to you in special ways. Many blessings to all.
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
Stay blessed.
amazing one ☺ successful people have there own way to get done things they think one step further the normal 😉 we can't say them looser they just normal.. @javybar
I agree, we are all winners, but we get the label of "losers" when we don't see progress in our lives like others. If we do want to have progress, we have to sacrifice a bit more in this life.
There is an excellent Russian proverb: "Lucky for those who то tate." The point is that luck is always smiling at those who do something.
very nice said my friend! Loved it!
You have chosen a good topic to be discussed here 😊 In my opinion, the willingness is the main key to decide whether you want to struggle or want to give up. Your daily posted stuff motivating me a lot. I always love to red such posts on steemit. 🙂
You can easily and easily achieve all your goals and live in the top of happiness and well-being and bliss, abundance, wealth, health and wellness.
You are created to be great and to live life at the top of prosperity, happiness and bliss, and you are prepared for that and the whole universe is ready and able to help you to reach maximum achievement and greatness and happiness
Thanks for the motivational theme.
If people would start re-wiring their brain with your words, there would not be any big difficulties that cannot be resolved and most likely, all things will feel their easy to achieve. thank you very much.
Lo que transmite la imagen tanto en presentacion como en lectura es asi, no es que no seamos capaces , todos somos inteligentes , lo que sucede es que hay personas que les gusta la via facil , o la pereza es su comun denominador.
@javybar excelente post , me encanto gracias.
Me alegra que le haya parecido. Todos somos imagen de el creador con infinidad de capacidades intelectuales en todo aspecto. Solo tenemos que despertar y sacrificarse un poco mas para poder tener los objetivos. Muchas gracias :)
A person must focus on being productive and not just working
The results of the work of others and the achievement of their goals and fall in the money and daily routines, but achieved what the addition of quality, the results are always more important than the time it takes to achieve, stop and ask yourself: Do what you deserve it all worth? Are you in the same direction as your goals? Do not get caught up in strange acts, even those that seem urgent, unless they are also important.
And look for a point of light in each difficult situation when things are difficult, and when you feel pain, take a deep breath several times and look for optimism, even a small glimmer of hope, and reminded yourself that you can grow and emerge stronger than these difficult times, and must remain aware of your potential Your victories, and all the truly beautiful things in your life, focus on what you have, not on what you do not have
excellent motivational words my friend. We all appreciate it a lot. Thank you for your contribution.
Your publication inspires me and gives me greater incentives to cope with the difficulties and to continue this life in the shape of the fence
You have to do tough things in life to become happy. Things that are not done by someone else. Things that scare you. Things that someone else can not do about you. The things that make you wonder to what degree you can continue more and to what degree you can continue to push yourself forward.thank you my friend @javybar
Glad they are useful for you and many. It makes do more for all of you. Take care my friend :)
Excellent self motivation post @javybar. I exactly salute you because your nearest posts only discussed life winning methods. Its better to to society. Actually We like to do very easy and beautiful work. Easy work not giving to win. Everyone do easy task. So should try hard work. Peoples must see deeply minded dreams. It create life goal. Hurry up... Lets go...
thank you! We all need to motivate and push ourselves to be better in every aspect of our lives. You can only achieve this by putting the right content in your mind and believe it is possible. Wishing the best :)
We're need to keep going without stopping. Stop cannot accept with current condition. If have some tired only take some little rest. Then after start again an go on-wards. It's tough task to do. If not we cannot find win. Best motivation concept.
Great advice! Let's not stop because the universal process to achieve things is constantly working 100% of the time. It never stops. You will need to rest for sure, but when you get back on track, follow the same pattern in order to keep going and see things changing over time. Thank you very much.
Winner are those who wins others heart and respect everyone and never fear of losing and never greed of winning but giving their best in each and ever situation..Positive attitude and integrity make a person real winner...Losers never always has fear of losing this is why they never win....Thanks for sharing @javybar
You mentioned Positive attitude and integrity. Those two factors are used by real winners my friend,. Thank you
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve".
This is one of my favorite lines. Diamond are really beautiful but it takes thousands of year for them to form in coal and carbon being suppressed and not every thing can become diamond. Its really beautiful and valuable cause they are really hard to form and get. Thanks for sharing this type of posts to make our day and bring the good in us. I am aiming big and i want to travel after i earn enough for it and i know it will be hard but I won’t stop.
Great example you mentioned with Diamonds. It does fit with my quote. I appreciate your words and content in your comments because this will take you to near success. Keep that up!
Nothing impossibe in this world I believe this . Do hard work but right direction and you can achieve in this world what you want . Yes steemit can teach and give us what we never get. Steem will change this world very soon and change life style. Thans you Steem.
Steem on! Thanks @javybar you give us Right direction and we get a lot of benefit.
Steemit for many of us means a lot for the future, as well as the steem coin itself to be used for transactions. Nothing is really impossible my friend like you said. The impossible is in our minds instead. Stay blessed.
We must learn to fight for what we believe in. Learn to achieve the appointed goal. And the more complex and fierce the struggle, the sweeter will be the victory and the desired goal. Thank you for the interesting post.
Very nice thoughts you shared my friend, thank you :)
Life is not only about winning or loosing but biggest looser are those who loose their hope and doesn't want to accept their self potential to become a true winner...Winner doesn't only win but loose too in order oneselves more stronger and undefeated...Winner are those who respect the loosers and help them to be a winner...Life is short so win heart to battle!
Thanks for sharing @javybar
Very well said! We are all winners and we are all losers, but the persistence of achieving what you want till the end is what losers are not willing to do. Thank you
Winner never just want to win but it neither want to losse but what makes winner from different is they never give up and learn from there mistakes and defeat which losser never do!!
True winner are those people who never give up and fight till they die and keep on learning from each mistake to be strong enough to become biggest winner who is undefeatable!
Good one my friend @javy...Its all on us what we want to be winniner or looser!
You know better than I do! keep this mind set and you will go very far
Thank you my friend!!! I will!
A happiness moment in life is only after wining but for winning hard work is necessory You words are so motvational thanks
thank you for your contribution! Following you :)
And exactly
Winner don’t wait for a chance they make themThank you @javy for motivating us
You are very right! thank you :)
Fantastic self inspiration post @javybar. I precisely salute you in light of the fact that your closest posts just talked about existence winning strategies. Its better to society. All things considered We get a kick out of the chance to do simple and wonderful work. Simple work not providing for win. Everybody do simple assignment. So should make a decent attempt work.
thank you very much. This contribution was very meaningful. of course, it's all about existence winning strategies. Take care!
yap i completely agree with you that winner always thought about success and didnt afraid from the loss they are winner beacuse of their beleive their minds and loser are not those people who lose in something loser are those people who didnt even dare to fight to comptet in something!
Very motivational article .Thanks for sharing.

great! I shared this a couple of days ego :)
What Are You Willing To Do?
A question that has a very profound meaning. To get a good life and to be successful it is so much that we have to do. Because to get a happiness is very difficult. We must keep trying and never give up before we get it all. Because many people surrender to all that, but little more to succeed. The point is, to get something worthwhile it takes a struggle and a very hard effort. Thank you and hopefully you will get a happiness in every breath @javybar
it is definitely a challenge my friend. In my experience, it doesn't matter how easy or hard it is, you have to visualize what you goal is and feel is already done for you. Take care, best wishes :)
You were born a winner, a warrior, one who defied the odds by surviving the most gruesome battle of them all - the race to the egg. And now that you are a giant, why do you even doubt victory against smaller numbers and wider margins? The only walls that exist are those you have placed in your mind. And whatever obstacles you conceive, exist only because you have forgotten what you have already achieved,
Thanks for sharing@javybar,may God success you in every feild of life.
Resteem and upvote done
wow I really appreciate your thoughts. thank you!
True said.hardwork is main key to get success.sometime we try to keep ourself easy for achieving any goal.we always prefer the bed with a comfortable sleep bt that realy lead us away from the reality and make us limited to our dreams choose a way with your strong intentions ,no matter how much difficulties you will face, keep an eagle eye on your goal not on the way which is full of hurdles.after passing such difficulties obviosuly a real success is waiting whom you can enjoy.
Bro all our success will come in this year! I know you do your best, and I also do my best as well! I know we can't be Bill Gate, but who knows! If we do our best, if we try our best no one can't stop the success story of ours!
Great article bro, inspiration, motivation, the goal of life is contains very well!@javybar,
Thank you brother. I think we can be very big, not sure how big, plan with big plans. Let's keep the faith up and never give up :)
Hard work and dedication turn the boat in a positive way. You are awesome in your opinion, thanks for the valuable sharing. Hope you are doing great my friend.
Awesome boat you are in. Thank you very much for your kind words.
Winners do a lot of effort to stand at the top. Some time they use wrong deeds to be number 1. everyone wants to win in life, but unfortunately winner stands alone. Being alone is a not a good choice in my opinion. so it's important to win the heart of people by doing good act. keep sharing @javybar
The favorite part of your post for me is the quote "never look down on someone unless you are helping them out." I love this statement. Being humble is so freaking important and so many people forget about it once they succeed. Great reminder. Thanks for sharing.
But it is true that if you want to win you must have more hard working competitors.
Yes you are right steemit is beautifull dream. Golden chance for steemians to invest and make money as more as.
very well said,the things that are hard to get makes us the most happiest and are the most beautiful of all. they always hold a place in the heart or the memory.thanks for sharing this great post.
great lines and very motivational one the mixture of sruggle and the the delegation make a winner which losser never willing to have when they really don't believe on it @javybar
Great motivation Thanks for sharing
If you want to be a winner hang around the winner
Motivated post. Keep it up.
Wish you avery happy and bright future.Thanks @javybar sir share a wonderful post.
Yeah i have a life goal to one day will be a psychologist InshaAllah. 😇 and i try to achieve my goal.
success in life is the most Happiness movement of life May God Success you in every stage of life thanks for sharing with us ..
Excellent motivation post. Thanks for sharing us friend. How are you?
That’s true..many time we think that why we don’t achieve things what other had achieve because we never tried hard enough...always come witha great word
Thanks for sharing...
Thanks for sharing great post
yes dear i am willing to do
that is good activity
keep it up
Success is a great cant come easily............its gained
Mind blowing post . I understand your point ,Never give up because great things takes times . Thanks for sharing with us @javybar
Upvote and resteem.
this is so motivational. no pain no gain. so to achieve something bigger you need to do work harder and fight the challenges like a warrior.
"Labor Omnia Vincit"
Hard work conquers all.
ahan its very nice post!
and yeas i am agree with you that winners dont wait they make one for their self...
reallu like the queation ... and really agrre with you on this
They are either not willing or giving up too early
Tha k you sir for motivating us. Muhammad ali is one of my favorite boxer and my inspiration. His quotes always inspires me and you are right we all do struggle to achieve our goals and the spirit should be kept high no matter how harsh life treats you
thanks to: @theguruasiaThis post has received 100% upvote from @minnowspower
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
You're right difficult things are not easy to achieve, we try make it easy way. The most important thing is decision of life goals, what we are willing to do to achieve them. We ask to yourself honestly what we are do and than we start to work for it :)