I got ten more gallons of sparkling wine going the other day. Trying a red this time, and added a bit of peach into the white to see how it turns out.
The red is breathing a LOT faster than the white, not sure why. It's fun to watch.
daggr has eclipsed me in skill with brewing beer, but it's still a favorite hobby of mine as well. I've only recently gotten into the wine side. What I'm making right now is super simple, but it's designed so the sparkling wine can be used in mixing other drinks and not for drinking alone. It's good enough for that, but it's not particularly delicious by itself.
I can do 5 gallons (19 liters) for around $45 USD, and I've got a keg system. Mimosa Saturdays are becoming a thing because it's so cheap now.
I'm just trying to fill some kegs before I do a longer batch. I want to make a ginger cider, but that takes quite a while in the carboy before it's good. I should just get another carboy or two.
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terraboost (3) 6 months ago