@berniesanders @grumpycat @wtf.. #abuse.. @hendrix22 @morten @geronimo @thejohalfiles The rewards on these posts are getting somewhat excessive and if not curbed will be the wine travelling haejin.. Multiple posts of little substantive content and disproportionate rewards payout.. ???????? Someone with some horsepower needs to give this a look..
Why not call on @haejin and @ranchorelaxo as well? They're were pioneer's in this trade. This will be the one of the many pairs that follow their lead. They should help clean this shit up...and straighten out themselves why they're at it.
I totally agree, and I would, but they have a well defined pattern of doing nothing for the health of the site, only for their own benefit.. So to expect either of them to step up and do something proactive that would actually help the site at this point; well that is kinda like standing on the top of a speeding train while pissing into the wind.