I hate windows

in #windows7 years ago

 Or do I? I am so confused! Overall I think windows 10 is a pretty great product and an amazing piece of software, and yet it frustrates me mightily. It’s the little things they get wrong which usually are enough to make me want to crawl out of my skin, scream out loud and switch to Ubuntu, forever. But we don’t really, why is that?

Lets take for example its’ notification center. A feature premiered in windows 10. On the surface it sounds like a great idea. Aggregate all notifications from windows plus all other notifications from every bleeding site you have ever been to. Plus all the apps that manage to interface with windows like slack. Put all those notifications together in one very, admittedly awkward place which you can hide but cannot change. So, no big deal! Pretty great you would think, right?

No, not really! The problem starts with that every bleeding site you ever go to, asks if it can send you notifications. You know what I am talking about that little annoying box, popping up out of nowhere asking you if you would allow it to send you notifications. Saying no and clicking to block the site as fast as the mouse can move has become reflexive. You, know what I am talking about, right? We all do it even if we might miss out on some great content!? Completely ignoring that niggling sensation of guilt at the back of your head whispering thoughts like; ‘ I should support them’ or ‘they do have great content’. Feeling guilty or not, you still block them and here’s why;

Windows notifaction

The sheer volume of messages you receive becomes very overwhelming very quickly. And that dinging sounds windows makes when you receive a new notification on itself is already annoying. Imagine if you don’t switch it off in settings, we’d get flooded with dinging notifications every single second of every single day. Enough windows craziness to drive the staunchest of supporters absolutely, stark raving mad.With a brand like Microsoft behind windows they should have learnt the most important lesson of all. Windows is not about them, it’s about you and I. The best products in the world disappear noiselessly into background and do what they are supposed to do without friction. Nobody should care what their stupid version of windows looks like. But people do because Microsoft makes windows about them, and not about us.In fact window’s interface should support customization with css, html and JavaScript. So that anyone can tailor their windows experience to their needs or tastes. And we’re not talking about stupid tiles or useless shortcuts on a desktop or in a menu. We are talking about a completely programmable user interface which can be styled any which way we want or code any application into that we want. It’s all about content that we love and want to see at all times. It does not matter if its a business application or a news website, or even an application we hacked together to support us in our daily tasks or life goals. It would not only increase windows user engagement but also entice new and young users to use their other products which are more geared to developers instead of casual users. All and all a much better deal, I would say, so less desktop more dashboard, It should all be possible.

Windows 11?

We are the heroes in windows brand story and not Microsoft. So, please Microsoft spare us the wtf moments with things like windows notifications and action center we have twitter for that and give us what we really want and need.