Did you ever happen to click CD/DVD drive letter in windows explorer and by doing so, open the CD/DVD tray, or you might have by accident placed files into a burning schedule, especially if you have children that use the same computer.
To avoid all this problems and to disable auto-eject and Windows burning feature, there are several methods.
For Windows 7 and 8, you can use small utility called Disable Auto Eject from following link: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/how-to-easily-disable-cd-or-dvd-auto-eject-in-windows-vista/
For windows 10, you have to do following:
- Bring RUN command line by holding "WINDOWS key" and pressing "R".
- Open the registry editor by typing "regedit" and pressing "ENTER" button.
- Find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE if you want to disable feature for all users, or HKEY_CURRENT_USER to disable the option just for currently logged on user.
- Open path: Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer
- Look for entry key “NoCDBurning”. If it's not there, create new DWORD value in the Explorer folder named "NoCDBurning " (Right mouse button on Explorer entry in left window or right click on white area below last entry in right window, select EDIT or NEW and select DWORD option).
- Edit new entry and name it "NoCDBurning"
- Double-click on “NoCDBurning” entry and give it a value of 1 to disable CD/DVD burning or 0 to enable it.
For CD/DVD burning, you can use free tool CDBurnerXP from link: https://cdburnerxp.se/en/home