A YES or a NO for the banning of ivory trading..
Photo by: Adam Cruise
Due to poaching we have seen a huge decline in elephants in Africa.
The biggest drop in numbers were in Tanzania, Mozambique and Angola. Both Mozambique and Angola borders South Africa. Due to the conservation of elephants in protected areas the numbers in South Africa has stabilised.
During the Great Elephant Census (GEC) which were conducted over a three year period it was found that there are still over 350,000 elephants in the 17 countries who took part in this survey. In South Africa there is still 17,433 elephants. This is not a lot as +/- 20,000 is killed in a year for their tusks.
The 17th Conference of the parties (CoP17) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna took place in Johannesburg these last couple of days. It was expected to be a close vote but there was hope that the results of the GEC could tip the scale for a ban on ivory trade.
The results were shocking!
I place the following article for the feedback;
Written by: Shana Genever - European Union accelerates the demise of African elephants
Despite a surprise endorsement from Botswana, a proposal for a permanent ban on international trade in elephant ivory was defeated by the crucial bloc vote of the European Union at the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP17) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Johannesburg yesterday.
Delegates from the 158 countries attending considered a proposal spearheaded by the African Elephant Coalition (AEC) to list all African elephants in Appendix I, the highest level of protection under international law, but it failed to gain the necessary two-thirds majority with a vote of 62 to accept and 44 to reject.
The European Union participating as a full Party with 28 EU Member States in one voting bloc, voted against the AEC proposal, delivering a death-blow to Africa’s elephants.
“The European Union’s position is shocking, said Vera Weber, President of Foundation Franz Weber, one of the organizations providing technical support for the proposal. “Their patronizing and colonialist attitude to the vast majority of African elephant range states calling for an Appendix I listing is shameful. Even Botswana has come out in favor of an up-listing to Appendix I and still, they do not listen.”
Just before voting an impassioned plea from Botswana, one of the four countries whose elephant populations are currently in Appendix II and home to one-third of the continent’s elephants, surprised the room by coming out in favor of the AEC up-listing proposal.
“We unreservedly relinquish that status and support up-listing of all African elephants to Appendix I,” said Tshekedi Khama, Botswana Minister of the Environment, Wildlife and Tourism. “Although Botswana has previously supported limited trade, we recognize we can no longer support the sale of ivory; we cannot deal with this issue in a vacuum.”
“All the countries in the European Union voted down the most important proposal at this Conference to protect elephants, and they will bear a heavy share of responsibility for the consequences,” said Robert Hepworth, former Chair of the CITES Standing Committee and Senior Advisor to David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, a UK based-organization working closely with the AEC member parties. “The EU’s behavior today made me ashamed to have voted to stay in the EU.”
The USA and China also voted against the motion, which seems to contradict their earlier commitments at this conference to close down global domestic ivory markets.
I do know about you but I would like to see the preserving of the African Elephant for generations to come.
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Yes, that is why I gave reference to the article written by: Shana Genever - European Union accelerates the demise of African elephants, which forms part of my article
Thank you.@patjewell.
We love elephant.
In all their hugeness they are absolutely awesome :) I so wish we can bring elephant and man closer together