While it may not be as large as the Cane Toad, it sure is a lot more common in some parts.
The American Toad (now known as Anaxyrus americanus, formerly known as Bufo americanus) is a common member of the toad family that can be found across the entire North-Eastern United States and up into Canada.
Whether they are seen hopping around on the forest floor or gathering under lights at night time to eat the insects that the lights attract, chances are if they live in your area you have probably seen one. Other than the misconception that they cause warts, they really isn't too much not to like about toads. I know that we enjoy having them in our garden as part of our Organic Pest Control Team! Enjoy the video!
The information is the video is original but I did have a quick refresher from this source.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Great video! Cool froggie.
I've seen many of them where I live!
Cool! They do a good job helping with pest control.
As always @papa-pepper The American Toad! You always doing the extra ordinary things that are exciting. Great video...one thing I like about toad is their melody...good post..mentioned you in my 1k mile stone post and previous post cos you deserve it...thanks
You always have something fun to watch! Every time I check out your videos I smile. American Toad is a cute creature:) What's interesting is that misconception that they cause warts is international. I am from Russia and that's what I' ve been taught in my childhood that they cause warts. I wonder how this misconception came to be.
Interesting. Perhaps it is a world-wide disinformation conspiracy...
Yeah, anytime I have seen them around I will transplant them to our garden area...hoping they will stick around!
Thanks for your Wild Man videos! They are great for showing people that nature need not be feared!
I love meeting someone who puts toads in their garden!
proud of you @papa-pepper, you always give me some inspirations to do :)
Thank you for that.
very nice
Wow amazing
I had lots of these and many more friends around the forest where I lived before , it was amazing . I love how he's directly looking into the camera :D
They have some beautiful eyes too!
upvoted! also i sent you a quick memo about a collobrative steemit video i'm making, i'd love for you to be in it man, pretty please? :) -- i won't spam the link here, it's on my blog. have a great day man! :)
We used to have lots of Toads on the Uncles farm we used to visit on almost every vacation growing up , no clue what type they were but they look very similar to these ones
Totally off subject but came to my mind while seeing your post, in Asia there is a frog or toad that has a hallucinogenic Effect on its skin and in some areas people capture them and lick them for the high, and it always made me wonder who was the first person to pick one up and think, hey let me lick it and see what it is like LOL sorry totally off subject I know
Have a great day
The CANE TOAD which is now found in Texas can have a similar effect... if it doesn't kill you.
I didnt know that and hadn't seenhi post, thanks also for the video, I see the Kane toad is in Asia maybe it is the same Toad as I heard of there, I never saw one or licked on for that matter its just not my thing
Also never knew they could get that big and eat such a variety of things
There is a toad out west around Arizona and California called the Sonoran desert toad I think. It's skin contains a powerful hallucinogenic similar to DMT. If you don't know what that is look it up it's pretty crazy.
Just looked it up and you got the name right, thats is crazy stuff, but I still have to wonder who in their right mind sat there and thought I wonder what would happen if I scrapped the mucus liquid off this toad and smoked it what would that be like
Well maybe my mistake is the first part perhaps it wasn't someone in their right mind :)
Cheers and have a great day
I know that was my thoughts exactly when I read about it. I guess they probably were not in their right minds.
I took old busted up clay pots and have homes for them so they have hidey holes. I love having them helping me out..
That is a great idea. Toads need homes too!
My dad is TERRIFIED of these toads. When he was wee little his older siblings scared him to death with them and of course told him he'd get warts all over him if he touched one. My brothers and I grew up afraid and thinking we'd get warts too! I'm curious as to why the scientific name change tho? I'm going to have to research this you've peeked my interest 🤔 Thanks for sharing! As always 👍🏻 Great post!!!
Have a great day! Cheers!whooaa! @papa-pepper your little wild friend looks sooo cute :))he knows how to behave on the camera!
He did do a great job! Thanks!
really cool and your goat as well (on your last video) they behave so well on you:)
like an animal whisperer or something? :)
Enjoy the rest of the day xx
Upvoted :) Great story :)
Great post and loving the photos. I love frogs but don't get any of them around the Valleys where I live
There are really a lot of misconceptions out there concerning diseases that you can get with wild animals and these really make so many people afraid to touch tem!
Thanks for clarifying these on each of your adventure man!
Thank you for checking them out!
This little frog looks funny with his big eyes :))
Interesting post yet again, thank you for your tutorial on toads. Your wild friend seemed comfortable sitting on your finger :)
Nicely done,your all originality @papa-pepper ,thanks also to @thelivingpoet
i got about 50 frogs living in a small moat outside my front door.. Total madness at night when they all start Ribbeting together.. SO loud! wow.. my wife cant sleep sometimes..
Frogs are a good sign of a healthy ecosystem, so that is good at least.
What a big fat toad although it looks more like the frog we have in porridge.
Thanks for the proof, wasn't sure it was you after the video ;-)
Who would think a toad could be so cute? Lovely creature and thanks for the photo. Can imagine it hopping around the forest floor. May they thrive JV
Another great informative video @papa-pepper! We love toads, frogs, turtles, snakes (eat the mouse population), geckos, iguanas and birds to our homestead. They take care of all our pesky insects.
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poor frogie :(
I am big fan of your Wild-Man series! You are a wonderful advocate for some of nature's... under-appreciated creatures. You also do a great job of educating your viewers while still being interesting. Do you have a background in science or education? If you've already made a post about it, you can just direct me there if you would like.
I just posted a video of me hand feeding some wasp larva I found in a fallen nest, and I thought you may be interested in seeing it. Would you mind if I posted the link here for you?