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RE: The Persecution Of Assange Proves Him Right

in #wikileaks6 years ago

One thing is Chelsea Manning wasn't tortured, calling serving prison time being tortured is a slap in the face to those who have been physically brutally tortured. There is absolutely no comparison between physical abuse she exposed even and being served bad food while confined to prison grounds. None. Period. Get over that.

There's a huge difference between being a traitor to one's country and exposing the truth. That's why Chelsea got such a lengthy prison sentence. Sure you can say they can say he was a co-conspirator but co-conspirators of any crimes normally don't get the same length of sentences. Most Americans have a genuinely good impression of Assange for exposing the truth, that's a plus in his favor given he would get the best attorneys in the country more than likely at pro bono. Just the exposure alone defending someone of his status would have them jumping at the opportunity. Furthermore if he were to be detained and extradited doing so during the Trump administration is going to be way more in his favor. Trump is going to be less likely to want to put pressure on his case then if he waits and ends of taking a chance with another democratic administration. A democratic administration is going to want to see him hang (figure of speech) and will put the best lawyers they have to see to it. A really good lawyer could see him possibly getting less than a ten year sentence if that. As a matter of fact he could go into a sentencing agreement if he decided to turn himself over to the authorities if he wanted and hardly face any time at all, of course I'd imagine such a sentence would have to come with conditions that once paroled, pardoned, whatever he desist from such activities. I think we all know that not doing some jail time is probably zilch and there's not much any of us can do other than being cheerleaders thanking him for what he has done for people and that will never be forgotten, on the other hand we would all accept the fact that yes this is only one life time, he has done his part and it's time he found a way to go home to his family and enjoy the rest of his life. If he can't live by that then as with any occupation someone chooses in life he will face the consequences that encompass the boundaries set forth by choosing to do so.


What trial? If the evil empire ever gets its hands on him he'll end up spending the rest of his life rotting away in Guantánamo.

I hardly think so. Get real.

I'm going to ignore this comment until you respond to the actual facts of Manning's treatment instead of babbling about "bad food".

lol, I am rolling on the floor laughing. Almost a brother was in solitary confinement for almost two years, maybe longer. In the US solitary confinement isn't what you think, yes you get privileges taken away from you, like you don't get television, radios, your food comes on a cart is often cold which ads to the displeasure of the garbage they feed them, though her being in a federal prison the food was probably better, you are shackled for visits and when taken outside your cell for showers and yard time. Yard time is restricted to one hour a day in a small screened in area, which is next to another screened in area where you can talk to someone. On the other hand in your cell you can still talk with other inmates next to you, usually in a awkward position like near venting or a pipeline running through your cell. They also have room under their door that after guard checks they write notes to each other then slips them from one cell to the next, they have a term they call it, I'll have to ask him next time I talk to him. Your family can still write you letters, order you books and magazines, like I order my brother lots of puzzle magazines to keep his mind occupied, not to mention they can also still order books from the prison library. After several months you are still considered a level five solitary confinement but you earn back your television and radio so it doesn't necessarily mean he spent the whole two years without those items, earning them back means you don't give the guards a hard time when they are transporting you around, be acting all crazy, like some guys will spread feces all around in their cells or call the guards names when they walk by. Chelsea was practically famous, I am sure she got all kinds of letters, probably cash in her account from people she never heard of, though in solitary you don't get to order goods but it sure did come in handy when she would have gotten out of solitary, had lawyers coming and going...none which ever came out and said she was being tortured, plus if I recall right they ordered the prison system to give her transgender surgery....outrageous considering that prison inmates have to pay five bucks every time they go see a prison doctor if they have money in their accounts. Torture in the true sense it's not and is demeaning to anybody who has ever suffered and/or died from real torture.

If your are wondering what earned him that bit, he killed his bunkie in another prison.