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RE: Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 2)

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @flauwy

I agree that the Mendax name is not necessarily proof of anything - but it cannot be overlooked.

I am merely trying to build a case and the let the reader arrive at their own conclusions. I am also trying to leave a permanent record of my research on the blockchain.

Nevertheless, I think you are reading too much into all these things.

What does 'all' mean exactly?

Besides the Mendax handle which other things specifically do you believe that I am reading too much into?

If I am to tell the Assange story I cannot not skip over 19 years of his life and pretend that they didn't exist. The mainstream media have been doing that for all of his life and there are plenty of journalists turning a blind eye.

Julian was raised in a cult, my first post, and the photo of the young Julian Assange prove that beyond reasonable doubt, which in a court of law would mean a guilty verdict.

But that only proves that he was raised in a cult, and nothing else - but it does connect to the next phase of his life (Part 2).

Furthermore, I already know what I haven't written about yet (Parts 3 and beyond) and as this series progresses, it will become increasingly more difficult to defend Assange and Wikileaks.

I'm well aware of the esoteric origins and influences that allow things like this to happen and I'm glad that you are to.

Thank you again and if you have any specific research that might add-value please share it with me. I'm very open minded - I just want the truth!


I really appreciate your research and dedication. The part 3 and beyond sounds very intriguing.

I guess what I meant with "ALL" was putting clues like these together which by themselves don't mean much but together create a picture. Working with agencies in his past doesn't surprise me, since they are recruiting hackers like crazy since the beginning of the internet. Maybe that was even the reason while he eventually tunred on them. But I haven't seen all the pieces of the puzzles yet so I am still biased for being in the dark I guess and for hoping that whistleblowers like him or Snowden are what they claim to be. While you are biased from knowing more than you have revealed so far.

Regarding the esoteric stuff: Will you have a look into that later as well? Maybe not specifically for Assange but in general. To be honest, I was afraid to ever speak publicly about topics like that before. Now you got me, blockchain and future AI analyzing my behaviour to profile me. You know I love you, right?

Thank you for the clarification and for remaining open. I hope that you have read Part 1 of this series?

I am running a Truth Channel on Discord - please join the discussion - we talk about esoteric stuff - you are not alone.

This is the link to join the conversation:

Once you're registered, scroll down and look for the #truth channel. If you have any problems finding it let me know.

It would be great to talk about these kinds of things with you further - we are not dogmatic. I hope to see you there.

Yes, I did read part 1 and commented but I understand you don't remember. I wouldn't either and I am a memory coach. :D

I will check out the discord channel.

I remember now that you have reminded me :)

I'm glad that you made it to the discord group.