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RE: Besta Pizza is connected to Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ [Pizza Parties Exposed]

Thank you for posting this "shit".

I am with Trump, we should build a wall at the border of America to keep out the filth. That small piece of foreign occupied soil on the Potomac would be a great place to start.


I'm still not a trump fan, and that plan is insane..

I hope I didn't offend by calling this stuff "shit"... the information is just so vile, I can't think of a better term.

And building a wall around DC is insane. It would have to be 50 feet high and have SAM launchers all around.

Aha no offence taken i get it, im glad you were joking about the wall.. Since i started postibg about this many have assumed im pro trump and started repeating stupid shit he said like the wall, like its a choice between this info being true or trump winning..

Usa cant afford the wall, they cant afford to maintain what they already have lol.. I predict they wait till obama is out completely and then crash the usa economy and blame trump no matter what happens. Next president will be female, just not sure what players are left that arent exposed already..

normally, when we think wall, we think ground level and up. Some exterior walls usually have part of the wall below ground. How many feet do you guys think it would need to go below the surface? 15 or 20 ft above the surface but how far down? No one really mentions that part, just food for thought.
This whole other stuff is just the tip of the iceberg that has been ongoing for a long long time. I am going to guess since before the Egyptian Pharoahs.

There is a massive tunnel network throughout most of DC (at least) see the underground section of this post for some pics and video of nearby dupont underground and links to info about the bigger maze.. The whole block is above an "abandoned" tunnel system, and that includes a construction company with experience in reinforced underground tunnels..

It really is just the tip of the iceberg..