Whooping Cough - Day One

in #whoopingcough7 years ago

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, just my journey through whooping cough. Please seek medical attention for whooping cough

There it is. The dreadful diagnosis. Your 3 month old baby has whooping cough. I glance over at her and I feel my throat tightening. "What is there to do?" I ask. I am told it has to run it's course, and there was NO treatment. They recommend antibiotics. I remember that the doctor on Sunday told us is was too late for the antibiotics at this point. He mentioned that it would only protect others from catching it, if the cough was indeed whooping cough. I sigh and pick my baby up. "Maybe they wrong," I think.

I start researching. A friend recommends that I look up the vitamin C protocol by Suzanne Humphries. Another sends me the FDA page on antibiotics. It says that it helps if it's administered before the child has the cough. Too late.

Suddenly I hear a cough. My baby turns blue. I turn her away from me, head forward leaning to get her to spit out the mucus accumulating in her mouth. Her little body shakes violently. She turns grey and becomes limp. I panic. My oldest panics. She gasps and throws up all over herself, myself, and the floor. Finally! She breaths! I put on her fleece suit and buckle her in to her car seat. My son drives and on the way I call the ER. Normal whooping cough, they say. As long as she doesn't stay blue, she should be ok. Nothing is okay. I'm terrified and fear for her life. I call her doctor and they say the same thing. We turn around.
I am stunned. Stunned that I'm supposed to sit by while my baby suffers. Stunned that there's no protocol my doctors can give me. Stunned that they won't take her in.
The needed vitamin C is only available over an hour away from our house. Mit husband tag teams with a dear friend of ours to get it. As soon as I get my hands on it, I mix it in some breast milk and try syringe feeding her. I find out that my daughter has spitting-medicine-no-matter-how-skillfully-inserted-superpowers. The only way to get the vitamin C in to her is by measuring her recommended doses, and keeping it in a small bowl in which I have to dip my nipple in the middle of a nursing session, so she swallows it.


The cough sounds terrible. She still struggles to get rid of the mucus. Most of the night she is woken up every 30 minutes by the need to cough. She whoops when inhaling. Thankfully she no longer turns blue. Her little body is cuddled up in my arms as I rock and nurse her all night long. Finally the cough spaces out in the morning hours.

Check back to see how we are doing!


So sorry to hear about your struggles. I hope I can help in some way. (not medical advice and I'm not a doctor, but I do value real science)

From what I understand, zinc is one of the most reliable/effective things to treat coughs/colds. Echinacea is fairly good to try also.

Also, as a sort of "folk remedy" that my parents did was to mix sliced raw onions, fresh/raw lemon juice with raw honey, put it in a regular size pitcher and let it sit over night (covered in plastic wrap or a lid that sealed, so as to contain the smell, etc.) in the fridge to kind of blend/ferment/mix together and the (strained so it didn't have bits of onion in it) juice it made tasted mostly okay, and even kind of tasted good, and would really cut through mucus/knock out any colds or coughs we would get as kids.

There were 5 boys and one girl in my family and so my parents needed to make a lot of cough medicine if a lot of us got sick at the same time. (and this was much cheaper than cough medicine from the store.)

It was basically home-made cough medicine that I personally experienced as working very well and usually fairly quickly. (if you want to skip the onion/fermentation/overnight part that is fine.) Lemon juice or honey individually or put together are both very good to kill off bad bacteria/viruses and clear out mucus, etc.

Here is some (well-researched) information on what things are snake oil and what things are actual vitamins/herbs/plants/minerals/supplements that are more or less strongly supported by (valid, measured, more reliable) scientific studies to have shown real benefits for people's health depending on what specific thing ails them:



I hope you and your baby feel better soon. Take care. :)