Reversing White Decline: If You Want Peace, Prepare for War

in #whiteness4 years ago

By Mathijs Koenraadt

When a people become too diverse, when the dominant culture becomes a minority culture, the inevitable realization sets in that one is no longer one people, but many.

One can observe the collapse of social order in real-time in present-day United States. In 1965, non-Hispanic whites represented over 80% of the total population. Down to about 65% today, Pew Research projects white Americans will become a minority by 2040, just one generation away.[i] By that time, newborn children of white parents will make up less than a quarter of all births.

Since 2015, non-white newborns already outnumbered white babies.[ii] The white majority of North America seems to be headed for demographic insignificance.

The decline has two root causes, a financial one and a social one. Financially, it has become too expensive to be a member of the white middle class. In order to maintain the standard of living of one's childhood, white Americans have had to reduce their family size down to an average about one to two children per woman.

Secondly, while white numbers are dwindling, a low-wage immigrant population is having its own baby-boom. Concerning the African American population, researchers project it will remain relatively constant at around 13% of the population, though still growing in absolute numbers.[iii] However, these researchers believe immigration alone will add another 60 million mostly non-white immigrants to the United States by 2065.

In this respect, it is not too far-fetched to compare the United States to other present or former white colonies, such as Suriname, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. These former colonies were once ruled by whites, but their falling numbers eventually toppled the balance of power in favor of new non-white majorities. Australia, Canada, the United States, and even Europa herself may be facing a similar fate if whites fail to respond to the immigrant wave with offspring of their own.

In South Africa, according to the census of 1904, whites represented about 22% of the total population, or about 1.1 million individuals.[iv] In 1960, South African whites had grown to 3 million individuals but only constituted a relative 19% of the total population. Then, the non-white population began to explode.[v]

By 2011, South African whites had grown to around 4.6 million in absolute numbers, but now represented fewer than 9% of the population.[vi] In 2016, the non-white population hit a staggering 50 million individuals, while whites further dropped to 8% of the total. Reduced to meager 4.5 million, the number of South African whites has begun to drop in absolute numbers for the first time in history.[vii]

Once non-whites have established themselves as the dominant political power, they may aggressively pursue white dispossession. This is exactly what happened in Suriname during the military coup of 1980,[viii] it happened in Zimbabwe when black dictator Robert Mugabe seized power, and it is presently happening in South Africa[ix]. Despite being economically successful, white middle classes are struggling to convert their wealth into more children.

For decades since the Second World War, Europe's aging white demographic has been dropping in absolute numbers. By 2050, Pew Research expects Christian Europeans to decline in number from 550 million today down to 450 million.[x] At the same time, the European Union believes it should actively import tens of millions of non-European immigrants to replace its aging workforce, stating that:

"The cumulative effect of net migration assumed under the EUROPOP2008 convergence scenario is to increase the EU's population by 56 million by 2061."[xi]

People of European descent are set to become a minority in their own homelands. In case of Europe alone, one journalist reasoned,

"Around the time that President Kennedy went to Germany and gave his Ich bin ein Berliner speech, Europe represented 12.5 percent of the world's population. Today it is 7.2 percent, and if current trends continue, by 2050 only 5 percent of the world will be European."[xii]

By that time, white Americans will only be 2% of the world. White dispossession is already a reality to reckon with. When Mugabe usurped Zimbabwe's rule, his all-black government began brutally torturing and killing whites and their families in order to seize their property and chase them out of the country.[xiii]

As an unintended side-effect of this policy, a quarter of the Zimbabwean population, and counting, now faces mass starvation.[xiv] Disowning white farmers has led to a collapse in Zimbabwe's food production systems, and Zimbabwe, once Southern Africa's bread basket, has become a net importer of food.

It is time for people of European descent to face the facts. We are still economically successful but only because we keep our family sizes small, and subsequent inheritances large. Our numbers are in decline everywhere in the world, relatively and in absolute numbers. People of European descent face the real possibility of their global extinction, through a combination of aging demographics, mass immigration, dispossession, and ultimately, rape and genocide at the hands of our new masters.

The most worrying observation, however, is that Western upper classes seem only interested in their own survival and are perfectly willing to sacrifice the common folk to save their asses. That means we're on our own. We have no choice but to prepare for war, both against our enemies and against the traitors among us.