World Peace in 20 Words or Less!

in #whirledpeas7 years ago

Its wrong to force a person to do anything that that person doesnt want to do.

Why it is acceptable to think that thugs rounding people up and forcing them to comply is just par for the course is beyond me, but that is what the bullies want us to think, that the broader world thinks it is the only way to manage a world.

They tell me it is inevitable that bullies rule the world.
That people want rulers to rule over them.
'Its human nature', they say.

Well, i dont accept that.
Everybody i know denounces bullies.
It is doublethinc to say it is wrong for me to rob you at gun point, but ok for 'the govt'.

The govt is nothing more than a group of men and women that force perfect strangers to pay them.

Please stop advocating rule by force as inevitable, it is not.


The government is bad. The collective rule of the population is bad. People should be free to do as they please, and there is only one ideology that provides this.

And that would be,...?

World Peace in 20 Words or Less!

I counted 148.

Yes, but you only needed the 17 above the picture?

You're really stretching it thin here. If you could use spaces commas as well as capitalising your "I"'s, people might be able to understand you.

i <- see a little man, with his head on his shoulders?
I <- see a little man, without his head?

Capital punishment, to lose ones head.
So, in school, you are taught to chop your own head off.

Yes, i agree with you.
Were i on a keyboard i would certainly go to the effort to conform to the cultural norms, but im not.
Capitalizing that i requires two key strokes on the opposite side of this tablet, apostrophies require three, each on opposite ends.
As much time as i spend tapping out content those extra keystrokes add up.

I think i use too many commas, not in this particular content, but overall.
If you would like to point to specific places i could benefit from more, that would be great.

Why are you even explaining ? you must have time on your hands like me.

(do you travel?)

Right now i have to walk, so im home alot, but im gonna bite the bullet at some point and sell enough sbd to get that battery, but then i will be spending money on gas, too.
It should break even at some point, the society is doing well enough on pic posts.r