What's in My Bag? 🎒 Kristy的包包有什麼?

in #whatsinmybag7 years ago (edited)

What's In My Bag Challenge

Nominated by @nicolemoker and @nanosesame, I decided to join this interesting challenge today:P Thanks for nominating me to join this competition and thanks @ramengirl for hosting this competition. I think it would be fun to show you what I carry around in my handbag! It obviously varies depending on where I'm going and what I'm going to do. But you get the idea!

So let's get started!


What is in Kristy's Bag? 😉


I normally carry a lot stuff with me even I have a small bag. These are the things I carry everyday, no whether going to work or dating with friends :P

  1. Phone
  2. Notebook
  3. Pen
  4. Keys
  5. Card Holder
  6. Mints
  7. Hair clip
  8. Cosmetic products

Yeh,I know there's lots of stuff in my bag, haha. As I love using small bags, I prefer a small card holder to a normal size wallet.

And having mint or gum in my purse is essential to me. I just love keep myself minty fresh.

Close up of what beauty products I love carry with me recently 💄


  • JILL STUART Mix Blush Compact: I love the design of this blush compact and it's very convenient that it has a tiny brush attached with it

  • IPSA concealer- I have to say it's the best concealer I have ever used in my life. I absolutely love the concealer because I can mix/blend the colors myself to get a good match of tone on various part of the face.

  • Maybelline Baby Lips Moisturizing Lip Balm- A lip balm is a must in my bag. Recently, I am using the one from Maybelline, it is very moist also very affordable.

  • Maquillage lipstick OR414-Super moisturizing, lightweight, naturally flattering ,it's a perfect color for daytime.

  • Moonshot Lip Feat Lipstick M112- Red lipstick is always a nice touch. This is the perfect red lipstick for me and I love to carry it with me as I can instantly change my look by putting it on.

left: Maquillage lipstick OR414, right: Moonshot Lip Feat Lipstick M112

  • Kose Lip Gel Magic- I bought this in Japan drugstore and it's very popular recently. This magic lip gel has a unique color migration prevention ingredient that create a gel film which can prevent it from leaving the stain onto other surfaces :P

  • Dior Jadore Fragrance Sample- The packaging of this sample looks exactly the same of its normal size which I adore. And I love the floral scents of this perfume.

These are all what I bring everyday in my bag!
How about you? What's in your bag?
Hereby I nominate @pakyeechan @jeffreytong @sosoo and @cosetteee to accept this challenge! 🎉


感謝@nicolemoker@nanosesame的提名,讓我有機會跟大家分享一下我包裏都有什麼 :P 也很感謝@ramengirl主辦這個有趣的挑战~


Kristy 的包裡有什麼? 😉


  1. 電話
  2. 筆記本
  3. 鎖鑰
  4. 卡套
  5. 薄荷糖
  6. 髮夾
  7. 化妝品



  • JILL STUART四色胭脂:四色的胭脂可以打造比較有層次的妝容,而且它超夢幻的盒子也是我很喜歡它的原因

  • IPSA遮瑕膏 - 我不得不說這是我用過最好的遮瑕膏。三色的遮瑕霜可以自由混合使用,調出自己專屬顏色,而且一盒可以用超久的。

  • 美寶蓮保濕潤唇膏 - 潤唇膏也是我的包裡的必備品。最近我用的是美寶蓮的一款,很滋潤也很實惠。

  • Maquillage口紅OR414 - 超級保濕,輕盈,自然,是我去上班最喜歡塗的口紅。

  • Moonshot Lip Feat唇膏M112-相信很多女生都找尋一支屬於自己的紅色唇膏,這支是我最近的最愛,持久而且顏色超美。

左:Maquillage唇膏OR414,右:Moonshot Lip Feat唇膏M112

  • Kose唇膏雨衣-這款最近推出的不掉色唇膜非常受女生歡迎,我去日本也購入了一支~塗抹唇膏後再印上唇膏雨衣真的可以令唇色比沒有塗時持久喔~

  • Dior Jadore香水樣品 - 這個樣品的包裝跟原裝包裝看起來完全一樣,因為很美,所以一直帶在身上:P

我在這裡提名@pakyeechan @jeffreytong @sosoo@cosetteee 接受這個挑戰!




haha, 谢谢 ~

I got the same things today....... are u copying me???! LOL
FullSizeRender 4.jpg

Lol, they look very familiar lol

jill stuart的blush真的包装超美超公主😍😍😍


我发现口红和唇膏,几乎每个女孩子包包里都有呢,哈哈ฅ(♡ơ ₃ơ)ฅ


Can I borrow something for a while..... I will return you promise! ;)

Really? What would you like to borrow? 😆

Your purse and the contents in them is so CLEAN. My purse and items are not so pristine. I realize I have alot of clutter handing from my shoulder.

Thank you, this bag is my all time favourite so I treasure it a lot. I actually clean it from time to time~ I actually bought it for three years.

Hi @krischy.. your post is simple but interesting..
I think the bag is small, but when the materials taked out, the bag looks bigger than I think..
I like your bag..

Hi @ratnajs, thank you:)
I love this bag so much too, and its content is a lot bigger than I thought. I just love putting as munch as I can in my purse 🙈

how to take a part in challenge?

Just use the tag #whatsinmybag and you can participate :)



Haha...I think they should pay you for advertising the lipstick. 😎

Haha, it would be great if they give sample for me to try lol

Beautiful! Both this post and you are great :)

😊 thank you
