
@minimining haha no, I live in Perth West Australia, its dry hot and sandy here so no snow ever so an igloo would be an impossibility, I use free to use images or my own depending on the week. thanks for asking and playing.

No! You are kidding...My wife has been in 2 cities in australia perth and kaligooli (not spelling right). So I have seen a lot of picture from there.
We are from the really other side of earth.

haha yes, that is the wonders of the internet and steemit, you can communicate with people from all around the world and find anything you ever want. hahaha... I live close to Perth, Kalgoorlie is about 6 hours away. Not that I would call Kalgoorlie a city, more like a town. haha. Where are you based now?

Sweden. But we have friends in Australia. They lived in Carligoolie (can never learn to spell that)