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RE: What do I want out of Hive?

in #whatdoyouwant5 years ago

What a cool historical post.

It is indeed interesting to see all the setbacks and little mini town jerks there are floating around (many that have come and gone and others that still persist)

.... we are indeed a small town with small town drama. The hope is that when there are millions instead of tens of thousands of users, that these petty tyrants will rarely be seen or heard. The chances of bumping into these people will be so low when there are millions. They won't be able to send messages to millions of users and it's not like their time to interact will suddenly increase they'll still be limited in the number of posts they see and interact with... they may try but they'll mostly give up or just the likelihood of interacting with them when there are 100-300x more active users will be too overwhelming. And then people will be able to interact in their communities free of their influences... with the moderation abilities of communities.

Also less reliance on reward pool will help a lot of that... if there are other ways to make money then a downvote won't really matter much.