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RE: Whales and Others: Their Behavior On Full Display

in #whales7 years ago

I have seen the dispute but I prefer to stay away from that crowd. I do not support what they do, they are a nest of socialists, many of them even call themselves anarchists but ironically they want to control everything.

They are a version of the SJW in Steemit, quite unpleasant and immature, they really do not care or improve the community or earn money, they are only interested in having a little bit of power, that is why they punish and do not advise or recommend, or anything, they are a kind of gang members.


You seemed to have nailed it @vieira.

Perfectly nailed it. It doesn't end there. If you dig through my ~100+ comments on last 2 days you'll see that I've brought up the fact that some are most likely trading based on @haejin's calls while bashing him.

Yes, I have seen a couple of your comments in @haejin's post, discussing with some pseudo-anarchists/socialists.

Somebody needs to slap on these people's faces. But they don't seem be the reading type. I'm really disappointing to see anit-laissez-faire on steemit. Some people don't even understand that the NAP is a non-negotiable absolute axiom. They think it's also just another feeling. I could face desk my laptop into pieces.

That's right, I'm keeping track, I already lent the book "liberalism" by Von Mises to two socialists that I know in person, and both of them returned it to me without reading it. Obviously these people are still socialists, because they are still ignorant in the matter. They can not even understand how the socialist impossibility, due to the error in the economic calculation ..

They don't normally learn anything from their mistakes. You should have tried some interviews by higher-ups in Pol Pot's regime on YouTube. The primary function of justice is prevention of Aggression and acting as a deterrent against aggressors. Since high school I've considered the current global situation as a war for power. It should be fought as a war. Only force works against force. The only path we can take is castration of the authoritarian's power.

Basically I just read Fountainhead and thought there is one notch higher and then came across John Galt only to be a tad disappointing. IMO he was a bit too naive. Most of these haters and lairs tend to suspect and accuse successful people and tries to fit everything they do into an evil scheme. Lair's punishment is that they become unable to trust others. For good people, the opposite is true.

One needs to know both the Yin and the Yang or one's actions will become misguided regardless of intent.

Also allow me to recommend you Psycho-Pass. My profile pic is from that and it was available on Netflix and Hulu (when I checked some time ago). It's a real masterpiece and even relevant to the discussion.

I'm new to Steemit, but I looked on a bit from the sidelines. And I have to say, your analysis seems spot on.

I've had some experience with these types of people (let's call them SJW's, sure, why not) in my daily life as quite an outspoken person about social issues, mostly men's rights. I won't go further into details, because they are not relevant for this exact issue.

Point is however, I have noticed that some people just can't handle any success that, in their eyes, seems undeserved. They will go any length to discreted the person they don't agree with. At some point they are beyond arguing the point, but about yelling slogans and eventually applying backhanded power plays to try and get what they want.

That is, just like you said, because this isn't about what's best for Steemit. But about who gets to call the shots. They see everything (and I mean everything) as part of a power structure. They are the real authoritarians, the real dictators hiding in the shadows. All in the name of 'the greater good'. It's disgusting.

Very accurate my friend. Proud to have followed you. These people need to read

Haven't read that one, although I own it. Really enjoyed "Atlas Shrugged" though, and gave dozens of copies of "The Anthem" to family one year a while back. Would have given "Atlas Shrugged" as I liked it better, but at over a thousand page I figured I'd go with something that they might read.

You know, nobody ever said thanks or discussed it. Oh well, we have to try...

I found "Atlas Shrugged" to be a lesser book. It is of course the second greatest work of modern literature. But The Fountainhead made me shake. I sometimes read during my meals and one day I couldn't even eat my food properly as my hands were shaking too much because of the sheer intensity of the novel. It has not happened before or since.

Also Fountainhead gave me much more laughs than Atlas Shrugged (I have a peculiar sense of humor as I found Sherlock S3 EP1 first 15 mins to be funnier than the entire length of Deadpool.)

Atlas Shrugged was actually started out as a way to explain what Fountainhead was all about in the first place and IMO it showed. It's the single most intense book ever written to my knowledge.

I always read their posts but never comment..they are pathetic hypocrites

Well said. I feel the exact same way. One of the users is even named Bernie if they weren't socialist enough.

Not "one of the users", but its supreme leader.

How about some RPR before these people ruin it all. America died in the early 20th century. But it's still doing fine. We could see another 20 years easily. Blockchain is just moves faster.

Don't leave the platform... cashing out is fine, but stick around because you're situation is an example and shows others about the problem. Maybe by posting about it, you might build a following of people who agree that it's a bad deal when a whale with a high ranked bot army can and will crush anyone for any bogus reason.

The other thing is, all it takes is capturing the attention of one whale to sympathize with your plight and shoot your rep right back up.

So long as you have the bully trailing you with his bots, he's literally wasting his voting power on you... and if you keep posting content, it will sap him. Especially if others are just as resilient.