Total Whale Abuse: A Form Of Censorshp by RandomWhale

in #whales7 years ago

I was going to write something positive this morning but I awaken to see one on my posts was hit with a downvote.

My post yesterday about Whales and their followers was hit with a 44% downvote. This post called out some posts making fun of the works of others.

So tell me, what part of the downvote list did I hit.

Here is the post which is hidden due to low vote.

I guess the fact that people make fun of others is not only accepted calling that behavior it is allowed....

Here is the downvote:

Of course, this is a 600K+SP account in power, most of it delegated by other people which took my post which made some pretty good money and turned it into zero. Since no rules were broken, to me, this amounts to stealing.

The worst part is this is total censorship. So to say that the steem blockchain is censorship free is a lie and misleading. Censorship is alive and well. Someone anonymously hit my post because he or she didnt like what was said. Welcome To The Soviet Union.

So Whales picking on dolphins and other minnows who are breaking no rules but are pointing to facts is acceptable. Do you think this is the best way to grow the blockchain?

Sorry, but I am re-thinking this site and the people on it. It appears many prefer STEEM to be at 6 cents by their behavior.

Steemit, the place where pointing out the behavior of the rich and powerful is not tolerated.


@taskmaster4450 how is this censorship? Can your post still be viewed by others? Can others still comment on the post? Can you still post? I'm asking this in good faith. I don't care even a bit about Randowhale or any whale wars.

I wrote a post exactly about this incorrect (in my view) use of the term "censorship" a week and a half ago.

Getting your potential rewards removed from the post is not censorship, it's a different thing all together.

PS: The downvote button isn't there just to downvote posts that brake the rules. It's also there to downvote opinions and posts we don't like and disagree with. In my view this shouldn't be a platform where everybody holds hands together and sings Kumbaya.

In my view this shouldn't be a platform where everybody holds hands together and sings Kumbaya.

So......we go for pitchforks????
Upvotes Vs Downvotes result in a zero-sum game. Negative reinforcement doesn't work like positive reinforcement. Downvoting posts that doesn't break rules is a violation of NAP. It's also negative reinforcement and doesn't add any value to the platform.

If it didn't add any value to the platform do you think @dan and @ned would have included it? Make a suggestion to the witnesses to support removing the downvote button all together.

From the FAQ:

What are the valid reasons for downvoting?

Users are allowed to downvote for any reason that they want. There are many users in the community who recommend only using the downvote on posts that are abusive. It is up to you if you want to follow this etiquette.

Does a downvote mean that I did something wrong?

Just because you received a downvote does not mean that you did something wrong. The downvoting person may have just been voting to reallocate the rewards in a way that they felt was more beneficial to the other active posts in the platform. Often users will leave a comment explaining why they downvoted, but sometimes they might not. If they left a reason, it is up to you to determine if you did anything wrong, and if there is anything you want to change.

Maybe more people should at least read the FAQ before actually agreeing to use the website. People start playing games without reading the rules of the games and then are surprised that they don't like some rules while playing them.

If you were shot by a lone gunman it doesn't mean you did something wrong. Anybody who posses the gun can shoot anybody or anything according to the person who sell it. Ability doesn't mean it's a Right. If we walk this path we could simply be flagging each other in a flagging war which would be extremely counter productive.

A gun is designed to be able to shoot and kill. But only in certain circumstances the firing of a gun is justified.

Are you really advocating violence rather than open debate and well reasoned discussion?

How you arrived at that conclusion from what I wrote is beyond my understanding.

I fail to see what relevance 'holding hands and singing....' has in this conversation.

It's a metaphor.

Disagreeing is fine and should be done in a civil manner, but his post is no long visible, it's difficult to find.

Censorship aside, he lost money, taking money away from someone you disagree with should not be ok.

The money wasn't his to begin with, it's only potential payout. It's his once 7days are over and he gets payed out.

Besides, every social media site has a upvote and a downvote button and they’re both used all the time, why should steem be any different?

...but his post is no long visible, it's difficult to find.

What do you mean? I went to his profile and I've pushed the SHOW button and the post is there. It took me 2 seconds.

He didn't loose money. He didn't receive the POTENTIAL author reward for that post. You see how these two are different?

Very true. There are lots of things you can do. But that doesn't mean you should do them. For an example you can walk into a school and shoot the kids down. The gun doesn't lock itself. It fires all the bullets. Ability doesn't mean it's a Right.

In fact when an account down votes another account without first engaging in an attempt to resolve the issue through conversation, it is abuse.

Before spreading misinformation, you should probably read the rules and FAQ's of this website, especially the part that talks about downvoting. I posted that part here.

You know what???
That is the problem of our actual world, if you say something that someone don't like, you got punished with that. That is repression and I thought that here on Steemit we don't have that.

I am very desappointed with this whale :(

I've always said this was going to be an issue with Steemit going forward @taskmaster4450, because the super Steem rich are going to be able to make Steemit look the way they want it to, and this is a major problem, unless it is fixed, that will keep all serious big name content creators away from the platform.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Not sure, but how do we do it exactly?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Are the witnesses able to vote on changes?

Unfortunately though, the system does benefit them, so why would they change it?

Happy we still have a chance to turn it around.

If the mechanisms stay like they are now, one can only despair at the potential of manipulation should certain large agencies ever decide to make an account, invest 5 mio dollars of steem and go on a censorship rampage with their connected crony accounts.

I'm with ya dude. Unless something is totally off the chart it should not be voted down, especially where legitimate criticisms were made. Disagreements are not sufficient reason to shoot down a post like that.

Fortunately we have the open blockchain so this information will spread. It all comes down to the awakeness of the observers, much like always <3

Hmm don't know what to say there is always a danger in naming names.

I would never suggest you abandon your morals but picking your battles with care is important.

You sound pretty disillusioned right now but I can tell you that this minnow and I'm sure many others have found your articles incredibly useful and it would be a shame if you quit.

Try not to post in anger I have rarely seen the wisest course plotted from anger.

I am kinda new here and haven´t used any of the boosting services yet since i am skeptical. Just reap your hidden post as well and i agree that it looks like a degree of censorship when it comes to this level and it might hurt the steem value which is scary, since i just started stacking it!

Anyway i am wondering what the general community thinks about this system ? is it ok to use, whales or support-services ? or does it just look bad in the long run ?

Thanks for 2 great posts, did not think of these aspects in depth before!

Never liked how the down vote system works anyways. It's kind of silly that someone can decide to remove your "salary" based on merely opinions. Hope it's the last time you get a whale down vote and some up votes instead. Cheers man!

I remember in Romania they ended up hanging their dictator leader. So people should be careful taking such role upon themself;) The people always wins.

Go easy mate, to accept that censorship is non-existent is totally ridiculous, (forget what is stated) for whales picking on dolphins... some folks are a product of their experiences, so i don't know, am pretty new on this site but am sure there has got to be another way to state your opinions like ... the steemitchat? try that route next time so you can hear what others have got to say about that issue too. Sorry about the lost earnings you'll get it back. enjoy the experience in the community. don't go into hard thinking. take care.

3 Amazing Posts on the Crime of Steemit being poisoned by a select few in 3 days. Please, keep fighting the good fight. There is much help coming, and you will always be on my reading and upvote list. You show guts and bravery in the face of this bullshit that should not be tolerated if people want this site to gain value, and not become another dark shit-hole deep in the internet.

Good post thank you :) following and follow me please :)

So if a whale downvotes your post then will this stop your earning ? How does this effect you ?

you just to forget yesterday and carry on with life..just don't think of it too much

No, something must be done about this, or else what is the point of Steemit?

I read your article completely and understood what you mean about it. Your post was very great. The post is very useful to me, just why many of you would like this post to be very useful to me. I try to read all the texts you have written, your writing hands are very beautiful. Thank you for posting so beautiful.

We followers still see it in our feed. It's not stealing; they're well within their rights to downvote it.
I read it earlier, and noted which account downvoted it. I'm sure others did too.

This is heavilly disappointing to me. I knew they weren't going to be happy by seeing the article, but didn't knew they would resort to outright sinkvoting.

And remember, I wrote that whales will not like your statements. You then answered me: "Do you seriously think that my posts read whales?". It turns out read.
This act is reminiscent of the act of a small spoiled boy, whom his father bought everything ...
Even if I do not fall under such a duwnvote, for these words. Good luck to you and good.

А помните, я писал, что китам не понравится Ваши высказывания. Вы тогда мне ответили: «Вы серьезно думаете, что мои посты читают киты?». Оказывается читают.
Этот поступок напоминает поступок маленького разбалованного мальчика, которому папа все купил…
Хотя бы и мне не попасть под такой duwnvote, за эти слова. Удачи Вам и добра.

For the same reason I prefer to keep away. That kind of attitude seems to me utterly deplorable, and is not typical of a community as free as this, but the reality is that it is that same freedom that allows them to do that kind of thing. If then a larger whale decides to crush them with downvotes nothing will prevent it from doing so.

That is sickening because so many people invest in this as well :(

That's why it's better not to talk about whales and their actions. Let them do whatever they want, though it shouldn't be like this but we have to accept some known facts!

There’s @randowhale and there’s @randomwhale

Two confusingly similar yet very different accounts.

Meh. I have run into a serial downvoter too:

But since I firmly believe that people can use their SP as they see fit, so be it. But payback’s a bitch.

Norman, coordinate!

Oh no! Somehow I missed this post, and now I'm sad. Ugh.

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