@barrycooper I agree with the premise of your article and most definitely that no one should be able to judge if what you make on a piece is appropriate or not. As you know, writing is a craft and one that you clearly have been working at for years. Some fiction on here is doing well, but like anywhere else, it must be well crafted.
When I don't do well on an article and I've not done spectacular on any of them, I take into account my newness on the platform. I also take a hard look at the writing style I've used and the writing style of those who do better. I know full well that I can have a thousand people read, but they have to actually like it to get the majority of upvotes.
Some may upvote cause they sort of like it and have seen me around. An act of kindness. If I don't write well, I need to own up and take some ownership of the need to improve.
@shadowspub, I am impressed with our attitude and willingness to adjust and adapt. With a positive and sincere personality, I'm positive you will find your rhythm here. Thanks for the maturity. Big love.