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RE: What is wrong with you people! (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

in #whales9 years ago

Yeah, I read through craig-grant's post about the hard fork a bit. I didn't pay a lot of attention but I like the 12 hour cycle with 30 day window instead of 24 hours. Hopefully that will encourage more interaction and not random money-grabbing posts. In general I think the stream just goes by way too fast. I don't know if I'm just speaking out of familiarity with it, but I feel the site would be easier to manage and maybe more welcoming if the tags worked more like subreddits. There are obviously plans for some kind of "following" page, but being able to choose between a front page that lists everything and just a selection of topics or users you want to follow would be fantastic.


Well I agree the 12h cycle doesn't leave the posts up for people in other times zones making things a little tricky. I to have though of was in which they can improve the site and well its going to be hard. Most users are American so those posting at times they can't see aren't going to get as many votes and this might lead to further problems and "unfair" to others