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RE: Whales and Others: Their Behavior On Full Display

in #whales7 years ago

I'm not sure what to think either. There's so many crap posts that get hundreds of dollars that I'm not sure why they're singling @haejin out when other whales have been doing it for months (years!). Maybe it's because @haejin is newer and up and coming, and not sitting well with the old guard?

Though on the flipside, I've also read some things from the other camp which does raise some questionable issues. And I must admit that I liked it a lot when he was getting $1-2 per post, but getting 200-300 per post multiple times is really a lot.

I have this same problem with all the posts complaining about @haejin too though. The latest 'complain about @haejin' post now as $750 as rewards. Isn't that equally damaging to the reward pool?

I would like it if we would simply cap the rewards to a maximum. With the size of our community now, I don't feel like anybody is producing enough valuable content to warrant hundreds of dollars of earnings day.

But, I fear we'll just have to learn to deal with it. I have long ago given up caring all that much about maximizing earnings or worrying that others are making a lot more. It's pointless frustration.. better to just have a little bit of fun, make some friends, and if you make some money in the process see that as an extra bonus.


I don't feel like anybody is producing enough valuable content to warrant hundreds of dollars of earnings day.

Feelz doesn't make it right. What other people are earning is nobody's business. This is the same mentality that says nobody deserves to be a billionaire. Whether intended or not; this is commie speak. It's not the foundation of communism. But it's what comes right after the foundation. We can't run the world with feelz.

Non-Aggression-Principle is sacrosanct.
Aggression is wrong.
Might doesn't make anything right.
Anything that doesn't violate NAP isn't wrong and shouldn't be acted against.
Force can only be countered with equal or greater force.
Anybody has the right to agrees against the first breach of NAP as long as the following aggressions doesn't far exceed the original aggression.

Feelings are not valid reasons or excuses. People voluntarily upvoted and a flag is an aggression on all of those who decided to upvote.

Isn't your counter argument based on 'feeling that what people are earning is nobody's business' a 'feelz' too?
In every country in the world, down to the most capitalist ones, you will find rules and regulations that limit the amount of income or power of those who have the most. It has nothing to do with communism or philosophy. It's a simply that the market cannot survive if the majority falls into one or a few parties. It is for this reason that monopolies, for example, are prohibited, even in capitalist countries.

If we apply your logic to monopolies, then we should simply allow them to exist because those are what people spend their money on and nobody should interfere what they are earning.

I'm not saying the logic is flawed, but I do think there are more nuances than black/white

Regulation kills competition and is most often used to benefit big corporations (whales), and if you think there are no monopolies in capitalist countries then you need to study up on business economics.

Your arguments are weak at best.

There are no capitalist countries. Places like Singapore, HK, Switzerland, Estonia, Monaco comes close.

“The masses do not like those who surpass them in any regard. The average man envies and hates those who are different.”
― Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science

“It is vain to fight totalitarianism by adopting totalitarian methods. Freedom can only be won by men unconditionally committed to the principles of freedom. The first requisite for a better social order is the return to unrestricted freedom of thought and speech.”
― Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government

Eh.. I welcome discussion, but your closing remark kind of kills any motivation I have to respond, sorry

'feeling that what people are earning is nobody's business' a 'feelz' too?

Absolutely not. It's called the Non-Aggression-Principle. It's a natural right and an axiom. One's right to swing his stick stops at the other person's nose. Period.

If you are willing to read at least the quotes in those links, it'll save me a lot of time.I recommend reading

You bring up very valid points @pandorasbox.

What is sad is that a post complaining gets $700 while one espousing what @fulltimegeek, @stellabelle, and @steevc did by delegating their SP gets a fraction of that.