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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales9 years ago

minnows, as they like to call us) say something about this topic, we're accused of simply being "jealous" and our comments are just dismissed. I'm glad to see you saying something about it.It's funny to see you say this @barrycooper. When us "little guys" (or

I'm of the opinion that all of this Steemit posting should be something reserved to the chat website. Why are people being rewarded for talking about Steemit to other users on Steemit? Sure, some of these posts are creative, but I'm not sure how technical updates and internal squabbles add value as content - and I certainly don't understand whales upvoting their own Steemit posts and comments about Steemit. This prevents rewards from reaching other creators. If whales want to compete on actual content for available SD, they should have to do so. But that's not what happens. It's getting really old and I don't see how it attracts quality creators.

But what do I know? I'm just totally jealous. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with perception of the platform, attrition rates, and long-term viability from a user who creates original content and wants to see this succeed. It's just pure envy over here.