Welcome to #whalepower Tag Announcement | February Feature - What is New in #whalepower? | Indonesian/ English

in #whalepower7 years ago (edited)

From beginning of February , we will implement Monthly Membership Subscription of $5 SBD /month

Registration can be on this link, to be pay up front.
( i.e with memo February Month... etc )@whalepower Why? Cover the cost for labour. This will help the Curators/ Moderators of #whalepower Subscription to be paid to @whalepower Account.

The Reef will be conducting Weekly Membership Subscription
Pricing to be review at close date.@the-reef

@dragonpower Mythical Creature capable to give Special Bonus when both @whalepower and @the-reef combine , while using #whalepower Tag.

Bulan depan Februari datang fitur untuk #whalepower.

Dari awal bulan Februari, kami akan menerapkan berlangganan keanggotaan bulanan sebesar $ 5 SBD / bulan

Pendaftaran bisa di link ini, untuk di bayar di depan.
(yaitu dengan memo bulan Februari ... dll)@whalepower Mengapa? Tutupi biaya tenaga kerja. Ini akan membantu Kurator / Moderator #whalepower Berlangganan untuk dibayarkan ke @whalepower Account.

Reef akan melakukan Langganan Keanggotaan Mingguan
Harga untuk ditinjau dari tanggal tutup.@the-reef

@dragonpower Makhluk Mitos yang mampu memberi Bonus Khusus saat @whalepower dan @the-reef menggabungkan, saat menggunakan #whalepower Tag

EDITED: Wrong calculation in Pricing.

#whalepower A Project for Better Community

All #whalepower Contents / Images are Copy-Rights
If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.

@whalepower Account Sponsors

Next month February Feature for #whalepower .


Whalepower is such a great comunity. And we are getting bigger and stronger.
All for one, one for all

And community is very important to have on Steemit!

Given back some Allowance , thank you

whale power is great, very helpful for the steemians to flourish,
thanks whalepower good luck continued

Great program! I will be sure to support and make my contribution.

Thank you @watch-chronolog

@dragonpower , please give some token here. ^^^

Just did my contribution!

I think its both great and sad news that you have to implement this. Ideally all users of #whalepower tag should contribute back by at least upvoting the curators, managers and moderators of the tag so as to give them a return on the administration.. Just using the tag is not "supporting" but rather spamming LOL.. just my 2 cents.. :) please ignore me hahaha...

Now, priority are given to Subscriber Monthly Register Members,
What ever left over , non-registered users will be given.
There is a Kota Rewards given daily , once reach it will be cut off for the day.
This will encourage more readers to read more.
Not just simply clicking, or even dumping their post in hoping to get Upvote.
There will be new set of Rules.As too many users have been using #whalepower Tag and everyone of them have going selfish.

very well said. and WP has set new regulation for all of the user.
togethee we can.
all for one, one for all

So, i need send 5 SBD and put memo "February Subscription", right?

Thank you , Payment accepted

"February Register Subscription"
and enjoy part of January during Our promotion.

There are other authors using this facilities, to be fair to them too. 3 x Posting max per account , within any 24 hours period when using #whalepower Tag

Hope to be involved! Will work hard on my post to get the 2SBD to contribute. But I know it will be worth it!

@dragonpower , please issue some token out.

I will participate in this program, how to register it?

I like the idea of subscription! When does it start?

It start in February , pay now and enjoy January and February for Better Rewards.

Now, priority are given to Subscriber Monthly Register Members,
What ever left over , non-registered users will be given.
There is a Kota Rewards given daily , once reach it will be cut off for the day.
This will encourage more readers to read more.
Not just simply clicking, or even dumping their post in hoping to get Upvote.
There will be new set of Rules. As too many users have been using #whalepower Tag and everyone of them have going selfish.

Sir, I really would to join.
I do not have and $$$.
What can I do?

Its good for our whalepower members
Sir i have a question what write in memo now when i sent in @whalepower

memo :~ Subscription Register for February Month

Many many thanks for your support

Just make it clear and simple. So how much do I send for both January and February?

Still $2 , take it as a Bonus

Ok. Deal with it, All For One and One For All, thats will be make us stronger.

Use Bahasa as my language :)Proud of U @whalepower

@kakilasak , Registered for February month. Thank you @dragonpower , please issue some token out

Sorry, I sent 2 SBD.. I dont know Its revise become 5 SBD. Should I sent 3 SBD again?

Good idea ! Wp is getting stronger bý the day !

Hello @phonetix @dragonpower , please give some token out.

Walau harus bayar aku tetab cinta sama kamu, terima kasih @whalepower.

You are given some discount here compliment from @dragonpower

Thank you very much @whalepower and all the members who have supported us the steemians.

I like the idea of priority given to subscribers. I am one of the happy subscribers. Thank you! : )

Great!, Thank for Supporting. We really appreciates.

Support is on its way. Sure we all can

That's great
Welcome to #whalepower Tag Usage

Thank you Sir
You are very generous.

Sign me up too! Have been loving the reef and whalepower!

Thank you!!

Registered for February month @public-eye

Thank YOU for supporting me! : ) : ) : )

You are Welcome

Okay I'm in :) I dunno tho, can I use the tag more than once per day? I usually used whalepower tag in one of my posts ---> trying to be reasonable I guess. Is it alright if I use it more? After paying the sub of course:)

Thanks for 2 weeks Subscription for February month , "3 x Posts per any 24 hours usage limit" , to be fair to others.
@dragonpower please issue some token out.

Mahh man! Okay! Thanks!

You are Welcome

Awesome !

Done , done

Of course i will support 100% this program. As I have been following and also have the support from whalepower since I started in Steemit. One for all and all for one. Please include me.

Just did my contribution. Let us all grow together as a team.

Thanks payment accepted.
@dragonpower please issue some token out.

WP getting much stronger!!! <3

You are given some discount here compliment from @dragonpower

Thank you! ^^

Saya tetap bersama whalepower.
Kapan pertama harus mengirimkan donasi untuk whalepower.
Harap hubungi saya.
Saya kapan saja siap beekontribusi disini

You are given some discount here compliment from @dragonpower

it takes a village to raise a child, if we all chip in we can succeed

You are given some discount here compliment from @dragonpower

Semoga #whalepower terus bertumbuh dan makin besar.

You are given some discount here compliment from @dragonpower

Thanks for all of your hard work, building community, and lending strength to the people.

@dragonpower , please give some token out. ^^^^

I resteemd this post. I'm rooting for @whalepower.

Hello @yasu24 Good to see you Follow this Account @whalepower , Don't Forget @the-reef

Yes. I was also following @the-reef. Thank you.

imageI have enrolled in this program @whalepower

I am sure this will help whalepower to grow and will be doing my bit to contribute.

Postingan yang saya rasa sangat bermanfaat dan akan saya posting ulang @whalepower

Nice post! I will follow you from now on.

I want to know what the community stands for and how to be a part of it.Please I wish to know about @whalepower.

All For One and One For All
Be part of it , Supporting and Gain Full Benefit from All of Us.
Selfishness get you Nothing!

Indeed..we cannot standing alone here.

Another one here

When to start the registration ... I'm ready .... Fulfill those terms

@rambeesbd @dragonpower , please give some token out.

What's the date about ... So I do not forget ... @whalepower

You can pay now $5 SBD , cover you for February month.
In the mean time, enjoy what you get.
This will give you Registration Membership for February month.
We will give All paid members Better Rewards for Entire February month.

Then where should I transfer token ,, same # @whalepower or equals @drogonpower

Please Leave @dragonpower Alone. Only @whalepower & @the-reef can summon it out.

Means I pay early in the month yes .. ??

with this everyone will be able to benefit more better . looking forward to that

just happened across this post, and i'm curious as to what the subscription is for?? where would I go to find out?

The subscription is for Monthly Registration Membership when using #whalepower Tag.

ok i understand that it is a membership but what exactly does the membership include?

Izinkan saya mengikutimu #whalepower

Boleh!, Sila baca kontent kita...

mas silahkan baca ketentuannya diatas untuk bisa ikut dalam komunitas #whalepower . bukan hanya mengikuti, tapi juga saling memberi. saling support.

Thank you very much for the information

What is the benefits of being a member here costing 2 SBD /month?

Just try help answering your questions
But it's so much better than bidding abot for a daily votes ;)

Good luck to allI agree for 2 SBD to @whalepower

So it's $5 for the month of February and the memo should say February and sent to @whalepower?

$5 SBD per month

amazing program,,day to day biggest growth

I wanna joint here, and pay for February
is 2 SBD or 5 SBD for monthly @wgalepower?


I have trasfered 2 SBD for paying February monthly.
I'm glad joining hereHello @whalepower

The monthly Subscription is 5SBD or 2.50 SBD for Two weeks
Would you like a Refund?Hi @ettydiallova

Then I'm gonna add 3 SBD tonight, it is OK?Sorry @whalepower.

Thank you. Please do so.
Otherwise, I will refund you back.

All for one, one for all.
Let's build this community together, then any others role that I have follow to joint here?Done @whalepower


Ohhs..how can i missed this one
Priority for the subscription member? It sounds really good!!
Will registered ;)

Terima kasih @whalepower kami akan bersegera mendaftar dan berlangganan @ther-reef untuk mampu memberi bonus

good programe..i like it

a perfect post in perfect picture , hehhee
dont forget to visit me, iam new here

I followed you follow me too :)