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RE: Should Steemit Inc Impose Maximum Daily Post Limit in order to Control Reward Pool Rape?

I have only stumbled in on this conversation as a rare/new user and I am wondering if it would be possible to somehow consolidate the posts of a person you follow into a daily catalog/sidemenu so it doesn't overrun ones feed. I think that would be a great option to have. Instead of making people consolidate their short daily posts into one or two longer ones, I would love to be given the option to see the posts in a more consolidated format so as not to clog my feed. It would be much more efficient and would allow for content to spread faster among the community in those situations that people post in high numbers. For example, when @haejin posts 3 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, and 3 at night then all those posts would be under one category heading for Heajin where I could click and be given a list of his daily posts without leaving my feed page. This would not be an automatic thing, but rather a clickable option of some sort. Would this be possible?


That is a very good ideahowever I dont now if they will implement it. On the other hand, it does not solve the issue of reward raping from 6+ daily posts from a single account ...however good option