Practicing Essay Writing

in #whalepower5 years ago

One even likened her to a breeding machine. A concerned journalist asked if she would have a second or even a third child if this one could not be the donor. Would she then considr paying a surrogate mother to have her baby in order to increase the chances? The baby kicked Eve as if to remind her that she would be out soon. Eve smiled. Even if there was no match, the therapeutic 内科医生 effect of the impending birth was worth it. Faith was deliriously happy.

Eve knew that Faith hoped this baby would alleviate the pain of her departure if she did not recover. Tin was excited about being a father again and as for herself, she was thrilled at the thought of the patter of little feet and all the attending joys of having a baby in the house once again. She realized that she was conceiving this baby out of a selfish desire, but whatever the circumstances, whether or not this baby would prove a suitable donor match, Eve knew the baby would be cherished.

The phone rang,

" Mrs Lee, bring Faith in immediately. We have found a donor."


likened: point out the resemblance of someone or something to.
impending: be about to happen
deliriously: uncontrolled excitement or emotion; ecstatic: delirious joy
patter: make a repeated light tapping sound.
conceiving: create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.


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