Understanding what is Burn Rewards , How it will affect you?
Many still do not understand How HF20 works in Steemit.
Memahami Apa itu Hadiah Bakar, Bagaimana itu akan mempengaruhi Anda?
Banyak yang masih tidak mengerti, Bagaimana HF20 bekerja di Steemit.

To make it simple , One must vote after 15 Minutes.
If you don't then the Rewards will go back to The Reward Pool.
Is this Simple Enough in Explaining to You?
Untuk membuatnya sederhana, Seseorang harus memilih setelah 15 Menit.
Jika Anda tidak maka , Hadiah akan kembali ke Reward Pool.
Apakah ini Cukup Sederhana dalam Menjelaskan kepada Anda?
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Its such a simple concept but many fail to understand lol
Thanks sir for explaination
I think you should also remind people about the dust vote.
I already Experimenting on Dust Vote...
It ain't No Dust... Got Bundle Back of Curation Back... XD
That is good to know that there is no dust when you upvote a post, but there is dust when you upvote a comment that is under 0.003. I have proof. : )
Nope! My Little Generator is giving and making curation.
The Experiment works.
Well OK then. : ) Can you tell me why @dustsweeper is sweeping the dust for me? I promise to shut up now. LOL!
Making Curation.
One Can Collect Curation Thru Voting Comments.
It is much Profitable than Voting Posts.
My Experiment on this in Result say so.
Got it...thanks! : )
don't you think they are rounded up with the other voter value?
lol this hf, i still cathing up things. 😂😂
15 menit waktu yang bagus untuk Vote, harus menunggu sedikit untuk vote lebih bagus.
Saya mengerti bahwa vote sebelum 15 menit akan dikembalikan ke reward pool
Terima kasih @bullionstackers, informasi yang sangat penting dan berguna.....
jadi sekarang kita harus upvote lebih dari 15 menit setelah posting?
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I still don't understand it either. If you vote at 15 minutes exactly, is it burned?
If you upvote before the post is 15 minutes old, it is burned. So only upvote after 15 minutes. Hope this helps.
Don't Waste your Time there..
We Keep Paddling ! Ye Ha!@whatisnew
Before 15 minutes is 14 minutes.
After 15 minutes is 16 minutes.
My question is, if you vote at exactly 15 minutes exactly, is is burned, or is it not burned? I understand everything else except when the clock says 15 minutes ago. I understand what voting at 14 and below and 16 and above does.
I kept in on my mind, to vote after 15 minutes posted.Thanks for reminder us @bullionstacker.
Salam. Saya sudah tahu soal vote harus sesudah 15 menit jika mau menjadi reward. Apa ini berlaku bagi di pemilik postingan?
Satu pertanyaan di luar tema, anda dari Indonesia kah?
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Tapi masih banyak yang belum memahami atau mereka sebenarnya tidak tahu atau bahkan tidak mau tahu. Karena sebagian voter sudah vote setelah beberapa detik terposting. Lalu apakah mereka ini bot atau mereka voter otomatis?
Posted using Partiko Android
Banyak voter oto, sebahagian hadiah Akan kurang.
May tau atau tak arti , jadi tak untung!
Terima kasih atas jawabannya
Posted using Partiko Android