What Cows Want You To Know, But The Milk Industry Doesn't

in #wellness7 years ago


As a mom of 3, I can tell you some interesting stories about milk consumption and how it effects our children. My son Jake, from the moment he was born, had an issue with formula. He was very sick and the poor guy couldn't keep a thing down. He had developed pneumonia more than once and suffered from other issues as well. After trial and error, we ended up using goat's milk as a substitute. It seemed to work well and it certainly got us to a point where he was able to eat table food. Note: I don't believe goat milk is a good alternative to cow's milk.

When he was a year old we started introducing cow milk (not thinking that it was anything like the formula his body had rejected earlier in his life). Although he was much stronger and not as sickly, he just seemed to struggle with runny noses, still suffering from pneumonia at least twice a year and was hospitalized several more times for various other things.

We never got to the bottom of it because he was never tested for allergies (this all happened almost 16 years ago now). Right around his 12th birthday, I took him to an integrative medical doctor, that I had started seeing, because Jake was really struggling in school, was struggling with acne on his face, back, and chest (and he's a great looking kid - as seen below), and just couldn't seem to concentrate. However, he was going through at least a half a gallon a milk, a day, at this point. I didn't think there could be a correlation between his struggles and milk and he had been taught that milk makes you stronger and grow taller and what teenage boy doesn't want that?


Long story short, this doctor, after examining him and running a few simple test, suggested to Jake that he try removing milk from his diet. Jake was EXTREMELY reluctant to do that. The doctor was gentle and said, "I get it, but why not try for just 30 days and see if your acne doesn't clear up?" That got his attention.

Jake went the next 30 days without milk and these are the changes he noticed:

  • He slept better
  • His acne was almost completely gone after 30 days
  • He felt he was doing better in school
  • He lost a couple of pounds (not that he needed it)
  • He said he felt faster and stronger while playing sports
  • His runny nose completely cleared up

When he tried milk after 30 days, he said it immediately upset his stomach and made him feel pain in his stomach as well.

The point is...
One societal norm in America is the consumption of milk. Milk and cookies, milk and doughnuts, a glass of milk with dinner, milk in our cereal, etc. We have been told all our lives that if we don't drink our milk that are bones won't be healthy, that we won't grow up to be big and strong like our parents. Well recent research has proved that not only does milk not help keep our bones strong and healthy, it causes irreversible damage to our bones. It doesn't stop there, consumption of milk has been shown to cause cancer, acne, increased cholesterol levels and many more immune issues and diseases.

Here are some reasons, and the studies behind them, of why you should remove milk from your diet immediately:

  • Studies have shown that milk intake is directly related to an increased rate of prostate cancer Study.
  • High dairy intake is linked to ovarian cancer Study.
  • Dairy intake has been linked to acne in adults and teens Study.
  • Milk is one of the most common food allergies in the world. Allergies lead to inflammation within the body that can then lead to disease Study.
  • Milk intake has been linked to Type 1 Diabetes in children and adults Study.
  • It has been shown that women who drink dairy regularly sustain more fractures than those who don't drink any milk at all Study.
  • Cows are pumped full of antibiotics to help them survive their living conditions while they are being used as dairy cattle. The high levels of antibiotics used have created antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is currently curbing the effectiveness of antibiotic use in humans Study.
  • Drinking milk DOES NOT help you lose weight. In fact, drinking milk tends to increase weight. We are led to believe that skim, 1% and 2% milk are better choices when it comes to watching our waistlines, but studies show that drinking any kind of milk will cause weight gain but if you are going to drink it, whole milk is the best choice for your waistline Study.
  • Milk is high in saturated fat. Three servings of whole milk a day is the equivalent of 60% of the recommended daily allowance of saturated fat and that is before you have consumed any food.

Milk has also been found to increase the incidence of atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, constipation, ear infections and so many other ailments. The bottom line, it's time to stop drinking milk and find healthier substitutes. Replacing your milk habit with a healthier cleaner drink is not going to be easy. Like quitting smoking or any other habit, there is a denial period and then an adjustment period. Doing a taste test may help you find a good milk substitute that is both tasty and nutritious. I recommend going to your local grocer or health food market and picking up single serving size boxes of: almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, and any other nut milk that may be available. Take them home and give them each a try. One thing to be looking for when shopping for your new milk substitutes is sugar content. Some of these milks have added sugars to make them taste better, that's not something you want or need if you are trying to lose weight or rid your body of inflammation. Stick with original milks if you can.

Go ahead and test yourself. Take milk (not dairy, just milk) out of your diet for 30 days and see what happens. At the end of the thirty day period, drink a glass of milk and see how it makes you feel. My guess is you won't need any more convincing from me or studies to know that milk isn't for you anymore.

For more information about milk, the dairy industry and how it affects your health, watch a documentary titled "Milk" by Moemi Weis, or this free Milk documentary:

Say no to milk and enjoy the smile that it brings to your face to your body and to your soul.



nice ^-^
follow & upvote me please :

Wow that’s an interesting real story :-) good thing you went to that integrative doctor

Indeed. It was definitely scary when he was a baby through age 5. It amazes me how our bodies can get used to consuming something that is hurting us. It is that way for a bunch of food products actually. We may be consuming something that is hurting us without having outward side effects, but when you look at what is going on internally, there is inflammation, high levels of C-Reactive proteins and utter chaos. It's always good to take a closer look and figure out if something you are consuming is causing the internal issues that can lead to disease and illness.
Thank you for reading!

I’ve been really sensitive to some foods as well, particularly sugar and wheat. Luckily my body can handle those much better now.

I hear ya. I was diagnosed with celiac about 6 years ago :( When the doctor told me, I told him he was crazy! I said, I can't be.. I eat donuts everyday! He looked at me and said, "Well, you don't anymore". :( The end of my donut eating days and the beginning of my health journey :) It was worth it. Now, I have removed sugar, gluten, milk, and meat. WHOA!!

Wow that’s a big change!

Dont really use milk that often, but thanks for the info.