Sorry to be the negative one, and don't get me wrong I like the positive slant of 'I'm healing' or 'I'm gaining strength' but this is only effective if a person is taking steps towards a positive end goal.
For example with -"I am fat" - Instead try, " I am (insert your desired weight here) lbs." (notice I said desired weight, not actual weight) - So here you're actively promoting a delusional self image?
Declaring something a reality does not make it so, working towards positive changes does. I guess what I'm saying is that I agree with having a positive outlook but there is no substitute for hard work and realistic self perceptions.
@skunkape30uk, I completely understand your perspective. At one time, that was my perspective as well. Then.. I started doing the work. I started meditating on my "I ams" (my declarations of what my desires were, not my reality), when I did that, I really started to see things change.
Let's take working out for example. I had NEVER been the girl that would consider "working out", I had tried, and wasn't at all interested. But as I started to declare that I was "fit", it seemed my resistance to working out wasn't as strong. Not only that, I found a way to work out that really fit into my life style, schedule and comfort level.
By declaring "I am", you are not changing reality as it is in the moment. What you are doing is sending a signal of your desires out to the universe. It is then up to the universe to fulfill your desires. It may happen over night, it may take a few months, it may take a year, but you will begin to see the changes you desire if you continue to declare your reality.
Maybe try this, instead of questioning my theory, try it. Along with your "I am" declarations, really visualize yourself the way you are declaring yourself to be (your desire). Imagine what you will feel like when the declaration becomes reality. Do that once a day and see if you begin to see a change.
Like I said, it may take time, so practice, practice, practice.
Good luck to you my friend. I'm sending you good vibes!
Hey sorry for the late reply, I've been working all weekend.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point. I'm all for positive visualizations and could get behind 'I will be' or 'I can be' as positive phrases or signals to send out into the universe. I understand how your theory works and combined with meditative exercises I'm sure it can work but I think with many people reinforcing something which is not a reality can be dangerous.
(I will give your theory a go though as it would be rude of me not too, hopefully it will help my Lent fitness attempts in a weeks time)