Loosing 60Kg in 9 Months

in #weightloss7 years ago

My name is Simon and yes I lost 60kg or 132lbs in 9 months and still counting.
Forget the new year resolutions, just be resolute.
Nine months ago i made the decision to finally after fourty years to stop being obese and blaming everyone else for my issues.
I guess the first thing to do is explain where i was. I was 185kg...407lbs.
I am type two diabetic requiring insulin, six different tablets a day, and suffered from sleep apnia.

So at my worst i was facing ending my life very quickly. Leaving my wife and kids without a husband and a father.
Low self-esteem was some what of an under statement. I hated myself, hated who i was, what i looked like. I was ashamed for my family that they had to put up with this fat, lazy slowing dying husband and father.

Growing up was tough, not that i had bad parents but i always struggled with who i was and what i looked like. I never did very well at school and because i hated who i was it ultimately led my me to have a very toxic relationship with my father.
I soon found myself away from home or staying in my room, finding anyway possible shut myself away from my family.

Around sixteen i found drugs and alcohol. If i could drink it, sniff it or swallow it, i would do it.
Hanging around with local gangs and always in some altered state it was not long until i found myself in trouble with the law.

I didn't just hang out with any gang i was hanging out with a Neo Nazi gang which successfully landed me with a massive target on my back for the police.

Needless to say i was certainly on the wrong path.

Fast forward twenty five years or so i found that i was forty years old. Had pilled on an incredible amount of weight and as i said earlier, faced with a raft of health issue's was facing seeing the Lord much sooner than anticipated.

So how did this all start, at my heaviest i got into the car wearing 140cm pants .

That were tight, uncomfortable and put marks on my stomach. For many years I just did not care. But what ever reason, today I did.
I was not sure how I was going to achieve it i just knew that i had to. I had read a story about a veteran who had lost the ability to move without the assistance of Cane's or a Wheelchair and figured well if he can then so can I.
My journey by far has and is still is the hardest thing that i have ever done and still doing.

So nine months later (probably when i'm the least motivated) I've decided to create this blog.
In the hope that it might inspire someone else out there and keep me inspired.

I have pained myself a little on this.

When i first started doing this I began to take photo's. At the start it was just for my own benefit, to see where I started, in the hope that I would make some significant change when I looked back.

Some of those photo's are fine, but some, for me, they just show how overweight I was.

But none the less. I'd like to say that the first day was the hardest, But no, far from.
The first day started out slowly. I started with a simple twenty minute work out, which now is rather straight forward but at the time was, well "not easy".

You see its not just about the exercise, when you weigh in at 185 KG's, there's a reason. In fact, there are many reasons why you get to that point.
But the most obvious one, was that I ate like a pig and my eating habits where rubbish.

My day started with:




Burgers, Fried Chicken, Pies, Chips and anything else that could fried or baked. But because i am diabetic i would also have a sugar free drink.....lol and why.


What ever was going for that night, loads of carbs, dairy, fats, oils, of course all washed down with a sugar free drink.


Chocolate, Chippies, Ice Blocks, Lollies and about 3 litres of sugar free drink.


Then I'd wake up in the morning and wonder why my sugar levels where so high?

Rather dumb question, right!

You see this wasn't something that had been happening over a few weeks or even a few months. This had been happening for twenty years, if not longer.

So for me the biggest struggle was not the exercise, it was breaking the habit that I had formed over the 30 plus years.
I was so addicted to rubbish food that it had become my master.

So the fight on weight loss, is more than changing up the diet, its changing the way you think, what you tell your self on a day by day basis.
To be honest, what someone tells them selves each day is their own. Each person must master that, there is plenty of places to derive inspiration.

But it has to ultimately come from you.

I'm sure there would be plenty of people out there that would read this and just role their eyes.

But I'm right.

You stop caring about you! when you start caring about what other's think of you.

Anyway these are just some of the things that I faced.18920189_10213382028644322_1566907795680847041_n.jpg18881731_10213382028484318_5862813636976446105_n.jpg16807146_10212295789729028_8094097048116572654_n.jpg


Incredable story i to struggle with weight and also need to start makeing changes thank you so much for shairing your story its very inspiring

No worries. Thank you for taking the time to read.

Fantastic effort! Steemit is a great community to share this on and I do hope that you inspire others to take on the challenge.

That's some dedication! Keep it up Simon! You can do it!

Respect! Don't dig your grave with your teeth.

Great job @simoncashen!
I hope you'll keep sober from drugs and alcohol and keep your healthy lifestyle going :)

My vote, follow & resteem for u