in #weightloss7 years ago

I would like to share to the steemit community my guide to losing weight in an effortless manner. No bs or selling of expensive drugs to cut weight! So to anyone who wants to lose weight effortlessly, take note.

  1. Stop drinking sodas, juice, or even flavored water. Yes, these are liquids but they contain a lot of sugar and sugar causes your pancreas to release insulin. (insulin is the one that levels your blood sugar but the hormone that burns your fats is very sensitive to insulin causing you to store more fats instead of burning it)

  2. Avoid eating starchy carbohydrates. Starchy carbs are very processed to the point that they have lost their natural fibers. Fibers improve your metabolism and without it it would be hard to digest your food faster. Starchy carbs also possess high levels of glucose.

  3. STOP eating foods with high level of sugar. ex, ice cream, chocolates etc. I dont think I have to explain this one.

  4. Intermittent fasting. Ever heard of the saying "Eat like a king in the morning and like a pauper at night"? This isn't true at all. Eating in the morning only switches your body from burning your fats to burning the high level of glucose in your blood. I personally do the 16/8 hour fast wherein I fast for 16 hrs a day and then limit my eating window to 8 hrs a day. if I end my dinner at 10pm then my next meal would be at 2pm the next day. what happens is it takes your body 12 hrs to get rid of all the sugars in your blood before it starts to target your fats. Fats were stored in your body for that specific purpose. Plus if you eat more at night then during the day, your body would know where to place those carbs and proteins in your muscle mass rather that just clumping it all up in your stomach. If you ever get hungry during y
    our fasting, drink coffee without sugar or tea since caffeine can take away your hunger for awhile. And be sure to drink plenty of water while fasting. The good thing is when it's time to eat, there is no limit as long as you get full.