Weight Loss Mistakes Most Women Make

in #weight7 years ago

"Getting back in shape” – These are the words that are simpler said than done. Some people treat every day with a renewed vigorousness and attack them with an aim to lose the excess fats. But in most cases even after spending hours at the gym and having a regularised diet may not be effective in losing the weight proportions. The chances are that they are ignoring one fundamental principle in any weight loss procedure - Doing things the right way. Hitting the gym hours together and starving cannot make you lean. They can lead to other health conditions altogether. Having a proper schedule both in the exercise and in the diet are mandatory to achieve an appropriate weight loss. Let us walk to through some of the common mistakes that are hampering weight loss.

Protein intake: Protein intake is crucial, but having too much protein is not recommended as the excess protein can get stored as fat. They can eventually add to the weight instead of reducing it. Maintaining the average grams required per day is the healthier option. The dietician can chart it down as per the person's body condition.
Vegetables: While most people add vegetables as a part of the diet they are mostly in the cooked format, thus by the time it is taken in all beneficial components are reduced. It is advisable to eat raw vegetables in subtle quantities, as eating too much raw can also be hard on the digestive system.
Fruit juices: Just having a cup of juice in the morning is not enough as most fruits have sugar and they can indirectly increase your blood sugar levels. Always make it a point to have a healthy breakfast loaded with fibre and protein as they give all the energy to support a person throughout the day.
Exercises: It is a common misconception that doing an exercise repeatedly can help in contouring that part. This is not correct as the muscles need time to rest before getting on the next set of exercise. Have the training evenly spaced out so that the strength gets retained in the muscle? In this way, the results also will be long standing. Also initially when starting to exercise, the results will be drastic, but over a period wears out. This does not mean that the effects are not visible. It is simply our body's way of stating that it has accustomed to the new routine and it will make the necessary changes in its own time. Remember that weight loss is not a single day achievement.
Walking: Man has been designed to walk. Hence do not restrict yourself from this nature's biggest gift. Walking half a mile can rejuvenate the body both physically and mentally.
Sleep: Having a good relaxed seven to eight hours sleep is also mandatory for the overall body condition. Make sure that the rest is always included as a part of the weight loss program.
The Dietician's Take:

A good dietician would say- "Have patience in any weight loss treatment." This is very much true as weight loss is a step-by-step procedure and avoiding these common mistakes can make the impact more profound and everlasting. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.