Ultra fast diet is relative easy to maintain, and it only lasts for 2 weeks and it will help you lose up to 9 kg.
- no alchool, sugar, or fizzy drinks.salt is accepted but but in small quantities
- you have to atleast drink 2 L of liquids a day (water or tea without sugar)
Breakfast:a coffee without sugar or nothing(your choice)
Lunch:2 boiled eggs and spinach how much you like
Dinner:200 grams of beef grilled meat and a green salad
Breakfast:a coffee without sugar or nothing(your choice)
Lunch:200 grams of beef grilled meat and a green salad and as for dessert you can eat as many fruits as you want but no bananas
Dinner:you can eat Prague ham as much as you like
Breakfast:a coffee without sugar or tea and also you can east 200 grams of bread
Lunch:2 boiled eggs with a green and tomatoes salad
Dinner:you can eat Prague ham as much as you like with a green salad
Breakfast:a coffee without sugar or tea and also you can east 50 grams of bread
Lunch:1 boiled egg with 2 carrots and Sweitzer as much as you want
Dinner:you can eat fruits and low fat yogurt as you please
Breakfast:now you will have a more consistent breakfast, 2 grated carrots with lemon and a coffee
Lunch:boiled fish with tomatoes
Dinner:200 grams of grilled beef meat with green salad
Breakfast:50 grams of bread and a no sugar coffee
Lunch:at lunch you can have as much grilled chicked you want
Dinner:2 boiled eggs and a grated carrots salad
Breakfast:a tea with lemon (no sugar)
Lunch:200 grams of grilled beaf meat and as much fruits as u want (no bananas and grapes)
Dinner:and now the best part at dinner you can eat as much as you want and what you want
And start again from Monday to complete the 2 weeks journey.