I too dislike city life and crowds. As a result I have become quite adept at avoiding them but sometimes its necessary and we do what we must :)
I find your aspiration of owning a studio to be admirable. It seems to me an intrinsic side of human nature. To contribute we must work but why work to make another rich while being payed, when one could work to become rich while paying others? Especially if one has so much knowledge and experience to share for the benefit of others. I feel to an extent its important to remain humble but not so humble one fails to reach their potential at the cost to them self and others.
I implore you to create your portfolio. I think it obvious to anyone who reads your whole post you appear to have rare skill and experience and proof of the aforementioned. Do not do yourself an injustice. Do your self justice.
It could take 3 days but you mentioned no time limit, it could take 3 weeks or months but we live in the age of technology so keep your work open and add, play and adjust until you are satisfied. You have plenty of content to work with (consider starting with portfolio templates online for aid).
Whatever you decide to do i hope that one day you are sat behind a desk that even if you do not own it, long term you feel content with where you are sitting :)
That cookie sucked I want another please.
hahahaha .. here.. have these cookies:
Now that we have the cookie part out of the way...
Thank you very much for the encouragement.. yes , I find it is hard to find balance in one's general work and goals and also make them compatible with our own personal aspirations , I'm trying to find that happy middle ground , we are always on that search I guess :).
I will put myself in the work of building my own personal portfolio and pushing my own projects , I believe it is a next step for me , more importantly to be able to grow and step up for the opportunities that might come in the future! thank you for the words of encouragement !
I hope that desk I sit in is that of my own studio.. at a place where I can chill and be in peace :)