Weekend engagement topic week 27: drawing Christmas stuff moooooooooo

I don’t really buy Christmas cards so I decided to make some Christmas cards for my friends. I’m trying not to buy so much stuff that’s unnecessary and my friends are the same with trying to be less consumerist so I thought they would appreciate the handmade cards more than store bought. It’s not drawing so I did a cutesy style painting/ postcard since I’m not that skilled with drawing.

My friend I was making the card for isn’t particularly festive or that into Christmas so I just made it for what they like which is cows ! and loosely christmassy :) I love a good pun too lol. I swear it’s meant to be a cow not some demonic blob.
Sorry about the photo quality, I was trying to take a picture quickly and it’s just for a bit of fun really

Moo-y Christmas and happy holidays !


Are you sure it’s not a demonic creature? 😆I’m only joking because it looks cute and cuddly. Your friends will love getting the homemade moo-y Xmas card.

I did some one year to send digitally by using my own photos and adding text, hat and objects. This is a squirrel that would come to the back deck and sit on the deck ball waiting for me to give him some peanuts.


All the best of the season to you and yours!

Aww the squirrel is really cute give him plenty of peanuts if you see him or her and happy holidays :)

Thanks @marcisist. Yes I give him peanuts when he comes by.❤️