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RE: One last message ✈️ || Weekend engagement #172

Hello @Galenkp ! I wanted to participate in the weekend engagement and finishing the post I forgot to place the community and made the post. I realized after a few seconds but I couldn't turn back. As a solution I placed the cross-posting because when I was looking for edit I didn't see an option to select the community. I wanted to ask you if in these cases there is any other way to correct the error, or only through cross-posting?


There's no way to reverse as cross-post as far as I know. I don't like the cross-posting feature and so do not permit it in my communities and have muted the cross-post you placed into the weekend experiences community. It didn't make me happy to do so, however I have to uphold the standards I set and to be fair to everyone they must apply to everyone.

The only thing I can suggest is to check the post, each element of it including the tags, the community selected, the content and layout and ensure you're happy with it before publishing it. That way, there's less chance of it being made in error.

Relax, I understand that as part of the regulation that is wrong. I will be more attentive in my future posts. And how sad that there is no way to reverse being able to select a community after posting without choosing one, that the only option is cross-posting.


What makes you think I'm not relaxed? What an odd thing to say.

In Spanish I wanted to say that there is no problem, I put "tranquilo" tranquilo and it was translated "relajado" / relaxed.

Ah ok, that makes a lot more sense.